Short Quiz

Are you one of the few people who does not need to hone your communication skills?  Take this short quiz to find out:

1. Are you breathing?

If you answered “no” to ANY of these questions, further study on effective communication skills is not necessary for your success.

The rest of you join me over at Art of Eloquence and let’s have some fun with speech communication skills!

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  1. Good Point! As you often say, “You can get through your entire life and never make a speech, but you can’t get through ONE DAY without communicating something to someone!!!” So true. Most folks don’t realize it, though. They just can’t understand why they didn’t get what they needed or why the listener won’t agree with them or, worse yet, tuned them out entirely. I know this is why you do what you do, though, to teach folks what they need to know, even when they don’t know they need it!

  2. Terri D. says:

    So true..without communication where would we be? lol.

  3. Very short and to the point quiz! Communication is so important in every aspect of our daily lives, at home, at work and just out among others.

  4. I love it!!! And yes – I am breathing. At least I think I am :)