Embrace Life: Seatbelt Ad

Instead of a Friday Funny this week, I bring you this amazing commercial.  I can’t remember how I found it now, but it’s an incredible example of nonverbal communication.  No words are uttered during this ad, but it most certainly gets the point across with pin point accuracy.  It also elicits such a range of emotion, but leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling.  Enjoy and please leave a comment with your thoughts.

Blessings to you and your family from Art of Eloquence.com!

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  1. I’ve seen it before, but every time I view it. . . well, it has a profound effect on me. It’s British and my hat is off to the folks who came up with this. No words, but it’s very, very, very clear. Beautiful presentation! Everyone should think of this the next time they think they don’t need to buckle up!

  2. They did a fabulous job. I had never seen it before til someone either posted it or forwarded it to me. Can’t remember who. Very moving.

  3. Wow, I had never seen that before. It shows how impact-full NOT using words can be.

  4. So powerful!

  5. Oh, and even though it’s a serious message, it still has “Friday Funny” application. Did you notice that the wife buckled the shoulder strap on the “wrong” shoulder? It was filmed in the UK!

  6. I knew it was filmed in the UK, but that’s a good call, Kim! I didn’t notice that. Thanks for pointing it out! I got my Friday Giggle! ;D

  7. I loved it! I have always thought seat belts should be worn at all times, having been in several accidents. I have issues with some of the older members of my family not wearing them. The seatbelt ads with the dummies do not seem to get a response from them. I think this ad would. In the beginning of the ad, I was thinking about pretending to drive as a child. We would line up chairs and switch off being the driver. Then, I couldn’t figure out why the man’s face changed from being happy. When the child came over, at first, I thought it was an ad about depression. When the wife came over and the glitter went flying, I realized what the ad was for. Very moving and powerful! I think this ad would definitely move those that have dismissed so many other ads about seatbelts.

  8. Terri McLaughlin says:

    I’d never seen it before, but completely agree that it is very powerful!

  9. I love this – especially the seat belt being put on backwards – I understand this is from the UK – totally makes sense now!

    I have noticed on my blog site that we are now able to offer links at the bottom of each post to make it easier for others to post our articles to facebook, twitter and email – even an option to print a hard copy – is this available to you on your website? It might be something to look into – one of the many reasons I love wordpress.com – it makes blog sharing so much easier ?

  10. Hey, Cindy. Thanks. I am actually trying to find a WordPress pluggin that will allow this. I found several, but not all of them are rated well and I can’t tell which ones are from WordPress and which ones are not. I’d rather install a plug in that didn’t mess up my template, ‘cuz we all know who techie I am!

  11. BeckyJoie says:

    I’ve seen this ad before. I thought it interesting too. I’m puzzled, however because your blog posts never show up in my feed and I did subscribe. I’ve missed many good articles by you. I guess I will need to find a chunk of time to catch up. I love reading your blog. It’s always so entertaining and educational.

  12. I’m so glad you like it Becky Joie! I am so not the techie so I don’t have an answer for you about the blog subscription. You might try looking in your spam filter or deleted folder, or perhaps try subscribing again? I had one time where I fell off someone’s blog feed. I subscribed again and got them that time.


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