Riddle Me This…Time!


I scour YouTube for funny videos and keep all kinds of funny “miss steaks” so I can share them all with you each Friday for Friday Funnies.  Well, this week my son was reading a book and ran up to show me this line:

“One week from the day before the day after the yesterday that comes three weeks before six months from six weeks from now minus 49 days plus five tomorrows and a next week.”

Just to have a little fun with language/communication…who can figure out this riddle…when would this be?  Post your answers here as a comment.  Show this to your smartie pants kidlings and see if they can figure it out.

Another humor-filled Communication FUN Friday from your friends at Art of Eloquence.com!

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  1. Jack has worked it out in his head and has come up with about 3 weeks… but he’s getting serious now! Now he thinks it’s maybe 5.4 months? From now he says sometimes in mid-August!
    Has he read that series of books with Mr Monday? And they have to fix time? It was a series and we never had more than one of them!

  2. Oh good, ‘cuz my brain went tilt shortly after reading it! lol I can’t figure it out but I had a feeling someone out there might and others would have fun trying!

  3. Ouch, brain cramp! I think I need to leave this for my daughter. Or maybe I need a latte first!

  4. Mine too Bobbi! I thought I had it for a minute there but I lost it again shortly thereafter! ROFL

  5. I couldn’t leave this alone! (and I needed a break from cleaning my house) I think it’s almost exactly 5 months, he’s right-ish. It’s hard to say because you don’t know if their months include February? during Leap Year?

  6. Oh Amy, you folks are good. Every time I try to figure it out, I get lost. lol

  7. Well, it’s a very vague story problem…
    + 7
    then – 1 + 1 – 1
    – 3 x 7
    + (6 x 30) + (6 x 7)
    – 49 + 5 + 7
    I think…

  8. BeckyJoie says:

    I would not venture to guess. LOL. That was a pretty complicated sentence. LOL.

  9. Oh my goodness! Not me!!