My new project: The Purple Project

I don’t know if it’s been apparent to you or not, but I like purple!  No scratch that, I LOVE purple!  I’ve loved purple since I was a wee little purple girl.  Yes, I actually turned purple when I was a baby on a family car trip.  I don’t know if that’s why I love it or not, but I do!

You may have noticed that my blog is purple, my site is purple, my home is purple and much of my belongings are purple.  In fact, I am fairly nutz about purple!  And I’ve been in pursuit of replacing many of my non purple things with purple alternatives for years!  So many purple things, so little MONEY! ROFL

So why all this talk about purple?  Well, after seeing the movie Julie and Julia, I finally got up the gumption to do it.  Yup! I created another website and it’s…PURPLE!  In fact, it’s all about purple! It’ll have purple pictures, purple product reviews and purple stories as well as …The Purple Project.  A 52 week challenge to myself to do a purple craft a week for a full year!  I’m going to chronicle my success so all you purple freaks out there can come along side me and do these purple craft projects with your purple family!

Come check out, For the Love of!  Please leave me a comment either here on my purple blog and tell me what you think.  Do you think it’s fun or have I lost my purple mind?  LOL  You be the judge!

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  1. Hi, I got to your “customer NONservice” posting from Malia Russel and had to see what a purple project is! I, too, describe myself as a purple person. (And also, my blog and my house and my things are purple, and I have no idea where or when that started!)

    At one point I counted and roughly 2/3 of the items in my closer were purple. I thought I should branch out. . . so I got some non-purple clothes. And never wore them. :)

    I’ll have to check out your PURPLE blog! Good luck!