Say What You Mean on a Job Interview
You’ve taken great pains to write the perfect resume. You’ve spent days searching for jobs online, you’ve contacted headhunters and written meticulous cover letters. Your hard work has finally paid off and you have a job interview scheduled. You’re feeling good because you’re well qualified for the position. But stop for a moment and consider this. The economy is bad and jobs are scarce. Companies are being overly cautious about hiring the right candidates. It doesn’t necessarily matter how well qualified you may be for the job but rather whether the person who interviews you agrees. So the question to ask yourself is whether you’re confident in your ability to convey to the interviewer that you’re the right person for the job.
When’s the last time you went on a job interview? Are you a bit rusty maybe? Are you prepared to answer all the questions that may be asked? Maybe you have interviewed recently but aren’t getting called back. Or maybe you have never had a job interview before. With so many people competing for the few available openings in this tough economic climate, can you afford to be ill prepared for the interview? You need every edge you can get.
What you don’t know about interviewing will only help make the interviewers’ job easier…to narrow down the candidates! It’s no secret that these are rough economic times. There are sometimes dozens or even hundreds of applicants competing for the same few job openings. Increase your chances of getting hired in this tough market by knowing the essentials of the job interview process.
"Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." -Colossians 4:6
It’s all in how you present yourself! Job interview success is where preparedness meets communication skill. Ace that interview and secure that prized opportunity for you and your family with Say What You Mean on a Job Interview today!
How to present yourself during a job interview is important whether you are 17 and looking for a part time job at McDonalds or you are 47 interviewing for a managerial position with IBM.
These days, companies are looking for someone who is knowledgeable and confident without being arrogant. They ask interview questions designed to flush out your true desires and beliefs and they evaluate your appearance to help them judge which candidate is best.
Contrary to popular belief, the interview is not based on your resume. The fact is, they only granted you an interview because your resume made the first cut! The resume is just the beginning of the job interview process. Interviewers will ask you questions designed to not only get to know you but to see how you react under pressure. Employers will want a concise but not questionable reason why you left your previous position as well as specific references to previous successes. The way you respond to these and other questions is critical.
According to a study in 2000 done by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 1000 human resource managers ranked preferred skills for being hired as follows: 1) Oral Communication Skills, 2) Written Communication Skills and 3) Listening (which is a communication skill).
A survey of 428 personnel managers belonging to the American Society of Personnel Administrators revealed that "The skills most valued in the contemporary job-entry market are communication skills."
Over 100 New York City employers list the ability to communicate as one of the top five necessary work skills they want in applicants.
Much of the job interview process is related to communication. Consequently, the more effectively you communicate, the more likely you are to get the job you want!
You can’t afford to be unprepared. You owe it to yourself, your family and your potential employer to present your skills, talents and abilities in the best possible light.
"He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend." -Proverbs 22:11
Take a look at some of what you’ll learn:
* Preparation Dos and Don’ts
* General Interview questions you may be asked
* Questions they may ask if you are leaving a job
* Work habits questions
* Quantifying your experience and accomplishments
* Questions to ask your interviewer
* Presentation skills
* Step by step prep assignments
* Role play Mock interview charts to identify and track your progress
Order your copy of Say What You Mean on a Job Interview now. (Because this is an electronic product you will have immediate access to it and can begin to sharpen your interview skills immediately).
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