A new adventure

JoJoisms Header 5I’ve been writing and speaking about communication skills for the last 12 years with Art of Eloquence.  I treasure my experiences and I pray I’ve made a difference both inside and outside the homeschooling community.  That being said, I feel it’s time to move on to a new adventure.

I can be a bit dense so it’s taken me a while to see God’s leading, especially since I had so much invested in this website and its ministry.  Back in October of 2013, I declared that 2014 would be The Year of Faith.  And it has been, but not the way I thought it would be.

You see, I had plans to write a weekly newsletter with tips and insight into the most effective ways to share and defend the Christian faith.  However, God had other plans.  As I said, I can be a bit thick, but the writing was on the wall…or website as the case may be.

After struggling for many years with debilitating fatigue, pain and brain fog, I thought I had found a doctor who would take that away from me.  While I do feel somewhat better, I still suffer from these and many other symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Adrenal Fatigue, Reactive Hypoglycemia, Peri Menopause and a few others I can’t remember right now.  But I pulled myself up by my bootstraps (OK. they were flip flop straps as I was in ARIDzona at the time) and resolved to work harder to bring this important subject to light.

In December, we found out that my dh was being blessed with a big promotion at work (ending many years of financial hardships) that necessitated us to move (and QUICKLY) across the country.  In between calling moving companies for quotes and giving away items we couldn’t or didn’t want to take with us, I soldiered on writing in the wee hours of the night while insomnia raged.  I accumulated a few weeks worth of blog posts, newsletters and information for future Year of Faith articles. Then we were off to Indiana to look for our new home.

On January 18th, we were involved in a rollover car accident in the snow in which I broke my hand.  Unable to type, I had to put virtually everything else on hold.  Sounds like a great sob story doesn’t it? LOL  In truth, I did sob and whined and yelled, but I came to understand that my Year of Faith was really MY year of faith.  I had to sit still and listen to what the Lord was saying to me and what I heard will take me (and you) on a new adventure as I adjust to life in my new surroundings both geographically and physically.

So I am closing down my Art of Eloquence blog and newsletter. I’m putting my purple blog and Facebook fan page passion on the back burner and I’m picking up a new baton.  I’m going to leave this website up and will be servicing any customers who purchase our products, but I will not actively be marketing for Art of Eloquence.  What I AM doing, is re purposing my www.JoJoisms.com site to reflect a new calling and direction for my life and ministry.

As you can see, the new design reflects my desire to uplift, support and energize those who suffer from chronic illness or issues.  No lollypops and roses or rah rah. Just some good old fashioned fun with frustration, looking on the lighter side with scripture leading us always and ever closer to God.  Join me, won’t you?  www.JoJoisms.com

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  1. Hello
    I am sorry to read these words…We will miss your pages and your advices! Each of them have been so attractive, meaningful and valuable for me and I believe so for everybody who had the chance to read them in a difficult moment.
    I am so sorry to read that you have been struggling so much….but I believe that you became stronger!
    Wish you the best from my heart!
    Mirela Deda
    Albania Tirane

    • Art of Eloquence says:

      Thank you. The website will remain up and available and I will continue to service customers. I just won’t be writing this blog or the newsletter anymore.