Birthday Bash Contest#6: Five in a Row

It’s Birthday Bash Time and you know what that means!  Time for our Facebook fan page party with free gifts and, of course, our contests where you can win free prizes like this one!

From: Five in a Row

All FOUR seasons of the Five in a Row Digital Nature Studies!  ($64 value)

In each of Jane Lambert’s nature study guides you’ll find fifty or more pages of inspiring ideas for discovering more about the remarkable world in which we live, season by season. These books include nature walk tips, poems, great resource books, and journaling pages of all kinds and for all ages, expressly for each season.

Richly illustrated and full of easily accessible ideas, you’ll be delighted with this valuable new resource and you will feel as though Jane herself is joining you and your children on a nature adventure! 

(One winner will be chosen)


TO ENTER THIS CONTEST: to win a copy of Digital Nature Studies from Five in a Row, post a comment on this blog post with your favorite part of the Art of Eloquence website.

Winner will be selected from among the correct answers and announced by November 8th. Winner must have a valid email address and has two days to claim the prize or another winner will be chosen.

*NOTE: Check out all our other contests and our Facebook Party on our Birthday Bash Page!



Congratulations to our winner:



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  1. My favorite part would have to be the free resources :)

  2. Terri Duncan says:

    My favorite part of the website would be the Blog and the Free Resources. Very informative and I love free stuff that is worth it— such as the articles and the scriptures…can’t beat it!!

  3. My favorite part is the whole concept. As a former speech and writing teacher at levels from 6th grade to college, I know how important it is for students to learn to communicate clearly! I’m now excited to share that with my children as I’m homeschooling them. :)

  4. I don’t think I could list a favorite – there are so many! OH, I have one, JoJo’s generosity!

  5. New to your website…yet, I like the whole concept of emphasizing the importance of good communication. The truth is, kids can learn good communication very early on….which everyone benefits from. Thank you for taking time to share/teach/promote the priority of effective communication! I look forward to reading more !

  6. I am new to your website so I am not sure what my favorite part is. I will have to read more and find out. Thanks.

  7. New to your website, but I’m loving the free resources!!

  8. I am also new to your website but I am enjoying exploring your free resources. Thank you!

  9. Tanya Button says:

    My favorite part is the Blog.

  10. I like the free resources but I am particularly grateful that you offer a discount to military! :)

  11. I am new to AOE website. But I would have to say , my favorite part is the free resources. I could spend all afternoon just searching your website. Thanks!!

  12. I love that I can see things by age category!

  13. I’m new, so I don’t have a favorite part yet but I’m excited to explore!

  14. Gabreial W. says:

    Love that you offer Speech & Debate.

  15. Love free resources!!! Such a blessing.

  16. The freebies are amazing! :-)

  17. I’m also new to your website but am enjoying looking through the free resources. Thanks!

  18. New to your site but I like looking at the samples for your products. I’ve pinned some for later reference.

  19. I think that I am most interested in “Say What You Mean for Preschoolers”. The book looks like it centers around manners and situations that every child needs to learn about! I love you work JoJo. Thanks for the invitation to the party!

  20. My favorite part so far is the blog. However I am new to the site and still have a lot to explore.

  21. New to the website.

  22. My favorite right now is this contest. I love doing Five in a Row with my son and he is loving it as well.

  23. Gay Taunton says:

    I too enjoy the free resources, as well as the: product information/reviews, FIMM, and the videos.

  24. BE STILL MY HEART, what a prize!!!!

    Ok, calming down…

    My favorite part of the website is indeed, the freebies!

  25. Tiffany in Michigan says:

    Am new to the site, but am definitely checking out the free resources!

  26. The free resources are great! And the blog.

  27. I enjoy the blog, the free resources, and the listings by topic and age.

  28. I’m new to the homeschooling journey and am having an amazing time! I cannot wait to explore this site and all it has to offer.

  29. I am new to your web site, but the fact that FIAR is one of your sponsers speaks volumes. While reading through your site, I discovered I have much to learn, in order to teach my children better. Thank you for making it possible!

  30. I enjoy almost all aspects of your site! JoJoisms might be my favorite to read.

  31. Christy Johnson says:

    I like being able to refine by age.

  32. Heather E. says:

    My favorite part is JoJo’s blog.

  33. Love the blog!

  34. New to your website! Followed the link from the FIAR boards and am looking forward to clicking around! :)

  35. I’m new here, but I’d have to say I definitely love your tagline! I’m a little “challenged” by speaking boldly. :)

  36. What an amazing giveaway! We would love it!

  37. I am new here, but love the free resources and look forward to checking the website out further. Thank you for the opportunity!

  38. New here, but we love FIAR. I can’t wait to explore this site.

  39. Yea!!!! I love your title. What I love….the fact that you are here and providing resources! Speak with Boldness, tempered with Grace. Amen!

  40. Julianne Kirschman says:

    I am new to the site but I like the layout and the resources!

  41. I’m new here too! I love the whole purpose of this website and the guidance it gives to parents. Will definately be checking out more!

  42. I too am new to the site. I am enjoying being able to browse by age. I am still looking around , I am sure I will find many favorites !

  43. Hi JoJo! I am new to your website and new to homeschooling. Your whole site is such a great approach to communication…something severely lacking in the world today (thanks to social media). I really enjoy your JoJo-ism’s. As a mother of two, very shy, 4 year old twin boys, I am so glad I came across your site. Not to mention your FIAR giveaway! Thank you for all of the complimentary resources. I can’t wait to implement them into our homeschool. I am looking forward to really delving into your site. Thanks again!

  44. We’d love these!

  45. I too am new to this site… Now that I have had a look around I am encouraged by the number of resources available – both free and for sale.