Frequently Misused Words Video

Looking around through YouTube, I found this video done by an 8th grade class illustrating commonly misused words.  Mostly these are misspellings, but I thought it was cute and fit right in with my weekly Word Wednesday’s misused words theme. This might be a great video to show your kidlings.

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  1. Very nice! I think I need to show that to my high school class undertaking their first project. You should’ve heard the groans when I told them I was holding them to correct spelling and punctuation on this project! We could make a million of these videos, JoJo. I have lots and lots of words that would fit in. :)

  2. Want more free leads? LOL Just Kidding!!! When I see desert/dessert, I always remember being taught that dessert has 2 s’s because you want more of it. :)

  3. Tina, I love that! What a great way to remember.

    This would make a great PowerPoint project for homeschoolers who are studying homophones. Any time I could use a multisensory approach with my kids, I did. They learned and remembered so much more that way.

  4. Thanks, Ladies. It was a great find and so timely! thanks for the RTs! Tina, you are too funny.

  5. That was very well done for grade school kiddos! Some adults aren’t capable of doing such a great job getting their point across.

    Thanks for sharing…now I’ll be thinking of all these words and their misuses all day. LOL

  6. These are good – great video!

  7. how are you!This was a really admirable subject!
    I come from roma, I was luck to search your blog in bing
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