As we finish our second week of Effective Communication Month, it’s time again, for Friday Funnies. I bring you this YouTube classic video. It is difficult for us non-techies to adjust to new technology and apparently it always was. It appears, way back in Medieval Times, they had the same trouble adjusting from scrolls to books as we do from books to computers. See how, even then, the technical manual was written for folks who already knew how to operate it…
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I’ve posted this one before. It is definitely one of the greatest commentaries on this cyber age we live in!
I have too and that’s why I’m posting it again! PLUS it’s super funny!
I’ve seen this before – maybe on Carla’s site – it’s HILARIOUS!!! LOVE IT!
It was probably on mine. I posted it a few times through the years. It’s hilarious and so fitting with my topic.