How many math scriptures do you know?

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of scriptures where the Lord shares why communication skills are so important, how we should speak to one another and what we shouldn’t do when we communicate.

Studies show that effective communicators do better in school, in their careers and their relationships.  Statistics say that 87% of what you and I do all day is communication related!  Lack of effective communication is the number one reason listed for marriage to fail.  Yet speech communication is thought of as an elective.

I can’t think of one scripture in the Bible that speaks of the importance of math.  Can you?  Yet most Christians work hard to make sure their kids master math from 1st through 12th grade while spending little, if any, time teaching them to communicate effectively.

Think about it.

A friendly reminder from JoJo at Art of

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  1. I thought I was the only one who thought about this. Great minds think alike, JoJo!!!

  2. I guess so Cindy!

  3. Very good post, Mrs. T! I completely agree! Great thought provoker. :)

  4. Creative! I suppose we could start with creation in 7 days, Moses’ 10 Commandments, ark 2×2, not to mention that God works exponentially!

  5. Those are indeed scriptures with numbers in them, but to my knowledge, there are no scriptures that tell of the importance of learning math. While there are hundreds and hundreds of scriptures that tell us how important it is that we learn to communicate effectively with one another.

  6. Scott Alan Blanchard says:

    I am pasting here a Word document of an article I read sometime ago…a review of a book, actually. I hope this helps to explain the importance of studying math in a Christian worldview. Let me know what you think.
    Biblically Integrated Mathematics
    by Mark Eckel, Associate Professor of Education Ministries, Moody Bible Institute

    [SPECIAL NOTE: I deleted the text of this article from this comment as I don’t know if permission was given by Mr. Eckel to have his article reprinted here on Communication FUNdamentals. Also this article really is off topic. I do not dispute that it is important to study math or any subject from a Christian Worldview. At issue in this post was how much more important communication skills are than people usually believe. My point was that the Lord thought carefully about what He felt important enough to share with us in His Word. He saw fit to put in His Word hundreds of scriptures that show the importance of communication and communication skills. I am not saying we shouldn’t teach our children math. I’m saying that if we find no scripture that talks about the importance of studying math and do find hundreds talking about communication, shouldn’t it be a priority in our lives and not relegated to study only if you plan to become a lawyer?]