Adorable Little Girl’s Prayer for Mac-N-Cheese

It’s time for Friday Funnies here on the Art of Eloquence blog.  Since we’ve been talking about being thankful and praising God this month, I’d like to share one of my favorite YouTube videos.  This adorable little girl says a prayer to Jesus, thanking God for her Mac-N-Cheese and several other things. My favorite part is at the beginning when she just can’t help herself and leans over to eat a macaroni before finishing her prayer.  Too cute!

I pray this short video uplifts your spirit if you are struggling with something this month.  Enjoy a Prayer for Mac-N-Cheese!

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  1. TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! I love that part, too, where she leans over and slurps up a little bit of the mac-n-cheese. LOL

  2. Art of Eloquence says:

    Love that part. Adorable.

  3. Nice site, looks very organized. Finally found what Ive been looking for, thanks!

  4. Art of Eloquence says:

    Thanks, Timber.