Limerick Day-Challenge

 Saturday is Limerick Day!  To celebrate, I thought I’d issue a challenge to my blog readers to write their own limerick…or…you can just post one you like.  Please make sure it’s family friendly!

According to Merriam Webster, a limerick is

“a light or humorous verse form of five chiefly anapestic verses of which lines 1, 2, and 5 are of three feet and lines 3 and 4 are of two feet with a rhyme scheme of aabba”

Here is a limerick I wrote:


There once was a very shy girl

Who grew up and gave speaking a whirl

She liked it so much

She deveoloped her touch

And now they say “Attagirl!”

Your turn!


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  1. Okay. I’ll give it a go. . . LOL (accents on words are in caps so you say it correctly to get the rhythm. :))

    There once was a cat from TraLEE
    Whose name was O’Mara, you see
    O’Mara did lunch
    With the Irish cat bunch
    And said, “Leave a bit more for me!”

    Hey, it’s morning and I didn’t sleep. I’ll have to think of some other ones. LOLOL

  2. Elaine says:

    there once was a girl who would cry
    nearly friendless, although she did try
    later on she did sing
    of her Best Friend, her King
    as she lifted her hands to His sky

  3. Art of Eloquence says:

    LOVE them! Thanks for sharing your creativity, Carla and Elaine! Great job!

  4. There once was a town with no name.
    Who’s towns-people said ” this is a shame” !
    We must give it a theme…
    and put up a beam,
    that guides Santa and all of his sleigh!

  5. Art of Eloquence says:

    Thanks, Angela.