Last Chance Sale!



We’re on the MOVE and YOU reap the rewards!  After almost 13 years in business, Art of Eloquence will be completely redesigning and moving its website to make it more user friendly and easier to navigate.  Some of our products and packages will be retired and will not make it to the new site.  Others will be coming with us, but the prices will be going up.  Several of our packages will be retired as well so you’ll want to get them while you can–because in the next few days to a few weeks, they’ll be gone!

“JoJo Tabares — I can’t tell you how impressed I am with your series! I ordered them to preview them for my students at our cottage school. I LOVE THESE BOOKS! … I think they should be required courses for every home school and Christian School! Way to go!!!!!” –Karla Akins, D. Ch. Ed.

Are You Struggling with Any of These Issues?:
Have you been struggling with
shynessFrustrated with family/friend conflicts or afraid of making a speechHave you been convicted to share your faith but aren’t sure how or just aren’t comfortable doing so?  Have you been putting off purchasing your speech and debate homeschool curricula?  If you’ve been wanting to purchase an Art of Eloquence course or package, but putting it off, you’ll want to do that NOW.

“This class has also helped to facilitate discussion in our family around the dinner table. You have a way of presenting things in a straight forward way that is so understandable.Thank you JoJo” -Marcie, Homeschooling mom of two

How We Began:
Art of Eloquence started with ONE product for teens that met the needs of homeschool parents who wanted a FUN and CREATIVE way to teach speech.  Shy kids are usually reluctant to participate in a speech course unless it “breaks the ice” by engaging them in a fun and creative way.  Other children are hesitant because they feel it will be boring.  After 13 years, Art of Eloquence has provided the ONLY fun and creative way to learn speech, debate and conflict resolution as well as how to share your faith and soooo much more!  We have been endorsed by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and HSLDA to name a few and we have received MANY wonderful, glowing reviews over the years from our customers!

Just browse our menu by age or by topic to find a course you’d like to master so that you or your child will be able to face the world equipped with the tools they need in life to build better and longer lasting relationships, get hired for their perfect job, share the Word of God effectively and be miles ahead of their peers in their chosen career.

It’s INCREDIBLE how many problems in life are related to a lack of effective communication skills:

  • Some children are desperately lonely because they are shy or don’t easily make friends. They usually DON’T grow out of this unless they learn HOW to communicate with others.  Lonely kids have less self esteem.  Lonely kids usually become lonely and misunderstood adults.  Lonely kids have a hard time in many other areas of life as well.  Don’t let your children fall into this trap!  Teach them how to communicate effectively.  Teach them to become comfortable sharing their ideas with others!  Don’t let them miss out on life!
  • Shyness permeates every area of a child’s life including relationships with friends and family.  As adults, shyness can impact their marriage and even job and career success. Don’t handicap your child before he even starts his career! 
  • Marriage is almost completely a matter of communication.  Don’t let  conflicts in your marriage be affected by poor communication or it could end up causing permanent damage to the relationship!
  • We are instructed to share our faith, but most Christians either don’t know how or are too intimidated to try.  There’s a better way to become comfortable sharing your faith and Art of Eloquence can help!
  • Today’s society is political. How many times have you been uncomfortable sharing your political beliefs?  Art of Eloquence has a study for this too!  Our country could use more outspoken, eloquent and effective advocates! 
  • Sharing your ideas in love with godly communication can take some training.  Communication skills play a part in leadership, business, parenting and even just every day situations!
  • And much more. 

Just browse our studies either by age or by topic for the many ways in which Art of Eloquence can help you and your family communicate more effectively that will better your lives like nothing else can!

“Your studies are excellent for kids and adults alike and I’m very pleased I purchased them. They are going to help all my kids in school AND me in my business, JoJo. I would recommend them to everyone who needs help with their communication skills.” Hugz, Carla

“JoJo has done a wonderful job with the study, making it fun for my son and also easy to remember the specific lessons. We are now enjoying the tongue twisters!” Jill Lee

Art of Eloquence Plans for the Future:
Art of Eloquence has plans in the works to completely redo, revamp and redesign the entire business as well as the website in the next few weeks or so.  This means that you have a very limited time in which to order any Art of Eloquence product for the current prices before the price increase and, depending upon the product/package, you may only have a few days or weeks to order them at all!

“I want to thank you because we are working our speach and english together I know it is your program that is helping them write what they mean:) I want to thank you for all your hard work that you have put into this curriculm. Thank you and God Bless your endeavors“ Debbie Hegeman


The prices will go up and some of our courses will be discontinued very shortly!  Don’t miss out on helping your family overcome shyness, learn to resolve conflicts, share their faith and learn the essential communication skills that will equip and prepare them to live life to the fullest, excel in their career, maintain healthy/closer relationships, and fulfill their highest potential! ORDER NOW!

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