FUN with Insomnia Video

Art of Eloquence will have all new Communication FUNdamentals in 2012!  We started off the year with a brand new series of Art of Eloquence monthly seminars where I shared 16 Communication Myths and Phobias that will hurt your relationships!  If you missed it live, just click on the title and listen to the 20 minute audio.

Another free monthly feature we’ve added for 2012 is our new video series!  Some will be based on my JoJoisms, some will be videos of me sharing some communication tips or ideas, some will be other creative videos, but this month we started with…

A Visual JoJoisms Short Film Using Communication FUNdamentals.  The more creative and fun our communication is, the more memorable and effective we are at getting our message across.  I’ve had insomnia for many years. For those of you who don’t have insonmia, this is how it feels.  For those of you who do, share it with your friends and family so they will understand.  And…have a giggle on me!

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  1. Oh, I love it!!!!!!!! I suffer from it, too, but lately I’ve been sleeping a “””little””” bit better. Still. . . this says it so well! I think my favorite is the one about a rational person standing in the living room looking for a sandwich! ROFLOL

  2. That’s one of my favorites too. I hope you enjoyed the audio as well. We’ll have another video and audio coming up in February.

  3. Love your JoJoisms!!
    Janet Harllee

  4. Thanks Janet! I have such fun with them.

  5. I’m having a tiny problem I can’t seem to be able to subscribe your feed, I’m using google reader by the way.

  6. I’m afraid I don’t know much about that. Try using the other subcsription link on the top right. See if that works.