I Love Language

I Love Language

By Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor

Lucy and Ethel loved language and so
they decided to teach on a humorous show

how to say what you mean and mean what you say
and edit your words in an eloquent way!

Good communication: bless those around you
and a word aptly written never fails too

so come one and come all from near and from far
and learn what great language lovers we are!

Join Lucy and Ethel each Thursday morning
For “I Love Language” and gracious warnings

Then you can say as success builds in thee
I love language and now it loves me!

Grace Talk Soup airs each Thursday 8am PST/11am EST

Here: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/19736

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  1. I was just now googling around about this when I came by your post. I’m only visiting to say that I really liked reading this post, it’s very well written. Are you going to write more about this? It appears like there’s more material here for more posts.

  2. Love you both!!

  3. I love it! Great job!

  4. You’re singin’ our song!!!

    Ethel :)

  5. Everybody sing…