Huge Announcement on Tomorrow’s Show!

GTS Logo ThumbnailSometimes things happen in your life, things you didn’t expect.  Sometimes someone will tell you something, you didn’t want to hear, things that will change your life.

We don’t usually embrace change very well, us human beings.  We often like things to stay the way they are.  We feel comfortable that way even if things aren’t the way we wanted.  We Christians long to follow God, but when we hear Him communicate with us, we often resist change even if we know it’s God’s will for our lives.  Even if we know God will use it for His glory.

Have you ever felt that way?  Have you ever had someone tell you something that you didn’t want to accept because you knew it would rock your entire world?  I did.  Just last week!  And I have come to several difficult decisions as I attempt to follow the Lord’s will for my life.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you are not alone, but you might have an inkling that it has something to do with tomorrow’s Grace Talk Soup show.  You would be correct.  Tune in tomorrow for some shocking news about the show and join the discussion about communication FROM God, how we can hear it, how we can follow it and what happens when we don’t!

Isn’t it amazing how God can take disturbing news and turn it into something incredibly fun?  Tune in tomorrow and hear what fun!

Tomorrow (Thurs.) 8am PST/11am EST

Join us live via computer:

Join us live via phone:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 19736

Can’t join us live?  Listen to the audio on demand!

If you can’t be there live but would like to contribute your thoughts, post them here or shoot me an email.

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  1. I’ll be there, Lord-willing.

  2. I will also try to listen in today, JoJo!