Grace Talk Soup Mania!

gts-logo-thumbnail1I’ve been hosting Grace Talk Soup for over two years now and the listenership and popularity have been steadily growing…until NOW!

In the last few months since my dear friend, Carla Ives, has taken the co-pilot’s seat, Grace Talk Soup’s popularity has soared!  Last month we had the most number of downloads and live participants in the ENTIRE HISTORY of Grace Talk Soup!  In the first three days of this month (May 09), the show had more downloads than it did for several of it’s entire months prior to Carla joining me!  We even have a Grace Talk Soup fan club over on Facebook that has over 400 members!

We have had a weekly contest on the show asking listeners to help us get the word out and I have seen Grace Talk Soup links all over the net including Facebook and Twitter!

Several days ago we were contacted by Internet Radio asking to interview us about the show.  It came out the other day and Carla blogged about it on!

Carla has added some much needed focus and fun to the show the likes of which is turning heads all over the net.  And this is only the beginning!  Grace Talk Soup fans can look forward to even more creative fun with Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor in their I Love Language segments on Grace Talk Soup in the future!

How do you like the new format?  Please leave a comment letting us know and giving us any ideas you have for upcoming communication topics you’d like to see!

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  1. Donna Heaney says:

    I love the new format. It’s exciting to see what you are up to every week! I love that it is so user friendly and I really appreciate the ongoing communication. May God Bless you and your ministry.

  2. Glad to hear the good news, JoJo. Of course, how can you go wrong with Lucy and Ethel!

    Good work JoJo and Carla!

  3. You girls do a great job – keep up the great work!! We are listening :)

  4. I agree, Lucy, the furor over “us” is growing! ROFLOL I get comments all the time on Facebook and Twitter, plus privately, about how folks love GTS. The kudos are very heartwarming. However, we can’t rest on our laurels, so to speak. . . GTS is moving upward and onward! Can’t wait to get into some of the new and exciting things we have planned for our listeners. And now don’t try to get it out of us either. . . WE AIN’T TELLIN’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, no, that is not proper English and I won’t tell, I won’t tell, I won’t tell. . . well, unless you offer me some soft vanilla ice cream or sumpin’. . . hee-hee That’s my favorite thing in the world!

    GO, GRACE TALK SOUP!!! And, thank you, Lord, for inspiring JoJo to do this and for her asking ‘lil (HAH) ‘ole (YEAH) me to be her co-host!!!

  5. Thanks for the feedback Donna, Laurie and Cindy!

    Carla it’s truly amazing how you and I combined are a more than the sum of our parts, eh?

    Nope we ain’t tellin’ about the ideas the Lord has given us for new ideas for the show each week. We’ve got some great things planned for the future.

    Soft Serve vanilla ice cream, huh, Carla? lol