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If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I have a lot of fun pictures, videos and articles to share here on Communication FUNadamentals.  What you may not know, is that you can get even more free articles packed with communication tips as well as free gifts and exclusive offers if you subscribe to our What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter!

We give away free gifts and products, usually for, but not limited to, the major holidays.  Two weeks ago, we gave away a free copy of my very first JoJoisms eBook on Communication to ALL of our newsletter subscribers–no strings attached!

We also provide our Art of Eloquence newsletter subscribers with exclusive offers we do not offer ANYONE else!  Last week we had a One Day Only Sale.  It was a buy one HALF OFF; get one FREE sale!  No special occasion, we just picked a date.  We know times are tough out there and we just wanted to bless our subscribers with something we had never done before.  By the way, we’d like to thank all of you who sent emails thanking us for the opportunity to purchase all the ePackages and individual eBooks you’ve been wanting at this amazing low rate.  And a special thank you for each of you who shared with us how Art of Eloquence products have blessed your life and that of your children!

Another perk of being a What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter subscriber is that you get a free monthly article packed with tips for effective communication in your daily life.  We’ve had many an article series come through the newsletter that eventually was incorporated into a book we now sell on the Art of Eloquence website.  Our newsletter subscribers got the info for free ahead of time!  We just finished a series on conflict and one on email.   I just started a brand new series last month that will be about a year long on common communication myths.  Last week I shared why communication isn’t just important for making speeches, but for every day life.  Tomorrow, I am going to share an article I just finished on myth number 2:  Communication is Easy.  I’ll share how everyone is NOT born knowing how to communicate effectively and this is why so many misunderstandings occur.  PLUS I’ll give subscribers tips and links to free resources to help you study this vital skill.

Another advantage to What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter is my new Ask JoJo segment that comes out the second Tuesday of each month.  That’s where YOU get to ask me ANY communication question you like and I’ll answer it complete with tips and techniques.  Since many of our subscribers face the same issues, it’s nice to be able to benefit from someone else’s questions!  I try to answer 2-4 questions each month.

Aside from these things, What’s New at Art of Eloquence eNewsletter subscribers also get first notice of new products and a chance to pre-order upcoming new products at a HUGE discount!  I’ll be releasing my brand new, expanded eCourse on Conflicts soon and ONLY our newsletter subscribers will get the opportunity to pre-order this expanded eBook on how to avoid, reduce and resolve conflicts.

If you are not already as subscriber, you can subscribe here!  If you know others who’d like to benefit from all of this creative and fun information on effective communication, post a link to this blog post on your Twitter, Facebook, blog, Yahoo group, or website.

Don’t forget that if you DO post a link to any page on our site before November 1st, email us jojo@artofeloquence.com (with “BB Links” in the subject line) to let us know and we’ll give you 8 points toward our Birthday Bash Grand Prize!  Check out the details here!

Most of what we offer is free!  Don’t miss out on all the fun!

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  1. I do know this was a very interesting post thanks for writing it!

  2. You’re very welcome!

  3. I agree, JoJo, you give away a LOT in your newsletter. Even though you and I are in pretty close touch, I always read my newsletter as soon as I get it to make sure I didn’t miss anything! Great articles always. . . and the special prices & deals can’t be beat! Your contests are fun, too. Everybody, get your 8 entries for the AOE Birthday Bash by posting links! JoJo gives great prize! :)

  4. Thanks, Carla! Yes we are giving away 8 points for each link you post anywhere online!

  5. Thanks JoJo! You are such an encourager and giver!

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