How do you know you’re doing a good job?

At this time of year, along with our focus on turkey and stuffing, football and family; we also focus on giving thanks to God for all our blessings.  It’s very important to focus on being thankful to God for what He  has provided in our lives as every good and precious thing comes from Him.  As a teacher of communication skills, I have often shared how we should also show appreciation to the people in our lives-our family and friends who mean so much and do so much to enrich our lives.  What I haven’t focused on, as yet, is how we know when what we are doing is appreciated by others. Here’s what I mean.

Folks are busy making ends meet these days.  It’s a rarity when someone takes the time to dash off a note or email to someone.  People just don’t have the time to write a note of encouragement or appreciation, but they will take that time if it means they might get their new computer monitor fixed under warranty or if they are unsatisfied with the job their vacuum cleaner is doing.  I’ve known people who wore a dress for six years and took it back to the store because they felt it should have been in better condition after only six years of washing.

If nine times out of ten, folks will not write a note of appreciation, then nine times out of ten you may have absolutely no idea if what you are doing is appreciated-if you’ve done a good job.  How do we know when we are doing a good job unless someone tells us so?  How do we know if we should continue? How do we discern if we are on the right track?

1. No feedback

Often the absence of negative feedback indicates that we are doing well!  Since folks don’t take the time to send feedback unless it’s negative, you’re probably in the clear!   They probably wouldn’t send an email unless it’s a nasty gram or make a phone call unless it’s to complain.  So, if you don’t get any complaints, you might assume you’re doing well!

2. God tells you

Even though you may not get an “At-A-Boy” (or girl) from someone, you just feel God telling you He is pleased with you.  Sometimes you just know you are following His path for your life.  If you are following where God leads, how could you be doing a bad job?

3. A smile

Occasionally, you might detect a smile.  Have you caught someone smiling at you?  Did their voice smile when you talked to them about something you’re doing?  Did their eyes smile?  Did you read an email that sounded as if it was smiling at you?  That’s probably telling you, you are appreciated.

4. Been attacked lately?

I know this sounds crazy, but if you are in God’s Will, you run the risk of being attacked for it.  Often this feels as if you are getting beat up.  Getting verbally beat up doesn’t leave you feeling like you are doing a good job!  However, if what you are doing is directly in His Will, you are going to meet with resistance.  This may mean you are doing exceedingly well.

If you feel better about the job you’re doing, even if nobody said thank you, I am truly thankful to have been able to help you discern that.  If there is someone you know who isn’t sure they are appreciated, send them this blog link!  And if there is someone who was especially a blessing to you that you forgot to thank this year, you might make it easier on them and share that with them this Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving from Art of Eloquence!

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  1. Most excellent tip about sharing your appreciation for a RAK this Thanksgiving! I’m just as guilty as anyone else about not leaving comments or giving praise or thanks where due. I try, but. . . as you say, life gets in the way. I think this is something that a lot of us (MOI included) need to work on in the coming year. You just gave us our first New Year’s Resolution!

  2. Such excellent advice, JoJo… which is what I always expect from you! ;o) It’s hard to function without the approval of others, but your thoughts here are right-on target as to how we can gain the assurance that we’re doing right without them. Thanks, gal!


  3. Great article – I shared the love!!!!!!!!!

  4. Great advice – I try to do these things realizing how important they are to me ?

  5. Thanks everyone for the feedback. Thank you, Merit, for passing along my blog article! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  6. Thanks for reminding me to be thankful and to train my daughter to show her gratitude. In this electronic age we’re loosing sight of the meaning of a handwritten thank you note and/or quick note of encouragement.

    Blessings to you JoJo…I’m thankful for your heart and passion

  7. Encouraging blog; thanks!

  8. Thanks, Gay and JM.

    Thanks for the RT!

  9. best registry cleaner says:

    great share, great article, very usefull for me…thank



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