Art of Eloquence Facebook Party-November

Last week I had the honor of co hosting a 15 minute segment of the Homemaking 911 Facebook party on Thursday night.  I have seen postings for Facebook parties in the past several months and had considered it as an alternative to having our regular audio party on TalkShoe, but I had never been to one until last week. It was such fun!

So now we have decided to put on our very own Facebook party in order to celebrate Art of Eloquence’s 9th Anniversary in November.  Since Art of Eloquence uses humor to teach communication skills, we’d like to bring in some people who use humor in their business or ministry.  In order to make the most of this event for everyone who would attend, we’d like to ask that you all take a few minutes to answer five short questions.

1. What day of the week is best for you to attend a two or three hour online FB party event?

2. What time of day is best for you to attend a two or three hour online FB party event?

3. Who are your favorite funny Facebook friends you’d like to see present at the FB party?

4. What are your favorite blogs, websites and/or YouTube channels that use humor to present their family friendly ideas?

5. Who are your favorite people who use humor to present and share the Gospel with others?

Please post a comment on the blog with your thoughts and feel free to give us advice or ideas as you would like!  We’d love to hear from you.  Thanks so much for your help!  We’d appreciate it if you would be so kind as to forward this post to others you may know and ask them to put in their two cents worth as well.


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  1. I’ve never heard of this! My friend Deanna would be so great for this – I don’t know if she’d be interested in doing it though. Does everyone just have an online conversation? In real time? I can do that most any morning of the week.

  2. Sounds like fun! Let’s see. . . best day of week for me would be either Wednesday or Friday. Best time of day. . . hmmm. . . probably either late morning or early afternoon, possibly evening. I’m Eastern time. Favorite FB funny friends. . . hmmm. . . YOU! ROFLOL I know a few others, but not the type you’d be looking for. Uhhhh. . . MOI? :) Favorite You Tube Channel with humor would be (1) Chonda Pierce (2) Tim Hawkins. As to sharing the Gospel with humor. . . I like Doug Giles, but he’s a little snarky at times. I’ve seen a few others, but I can’t recall the names. Let me think on it. We are gonna have so much fun at AOE’s 9th Anniversary Party!

  3. Thanks Cindy! I appreciate your feedback. We are looking to accommodate the majority.

  4. Thanks Carla. It should be a great deal of fun! Working on my list of favorites myself. Thanks for the feedback on the times.

  5. Okay, looks like early afternoons are good for several people. We’ve heard Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays as the best day so far. Keep ’em coming! We’d like to get a good sampling.