Guess Who Had a Facelift?

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog article series to bring you this Art of Eloquence special report!

Guess who’s had a facelift?  Nope, not me.  Though, at 49, it might not be such a bad idea.  It’s Art of Eloquence!

Yes the brand new, redesigned Art of Eloquence website has finally gone live!  After months of tweaking, learning new technology, getting help from my web host and ANYone who’d listen, it’s finally here!

What do you think?  The design isn’t the only thing that’s new!

* Mostly Importantly: it’s much easier to search the site to find the things you want because we now have drop down menus all along the top of the site!  You can search our store by age, category or value packages.  Easily find our free resources, Facebook fan page and our free monthly seminars across the top.

* We have added our Birthday Bash info so you can check out the prizes we are giving away on November 1st right here on the blog.

* We have also added several new communication scriptures and quotes on our scriptures page!

* We have completely redesigned JoJo’s Articles!  They are now alphabetized for easy reference!

* One of the biggest changes on the site is the addition of our videos!  I’m in the process of recording more, but you can see the first few on the home page and some of the age group pages in the store!

PLUS, the home page features my 200th JoJoism.  Remember I said I’d have a celebration when I reached my 200th JoJoism?  Well…You may have noticed I skipped over that one and posted a few after that.  Here is that celebration!

We’d love your feedback!  Please leave your comments and let us know what you think.

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  1. Looks mahvelous, Dahlink! I know how much sweat went into this and all I can say is. . . ya done good!

  2. Thanks, Carla! It still tickles me that I was able to do this, even with all the help!

  3. Very nice! I know how hard you have to work to make changes on a website – and you did GREAT!

  4. Thanks, Cindy!

  5. Marilyn Scraver says:

    Although I haven’t taken time yet to explore the whole website, right off the bat I like the home page – with your 200th JoJoism making a grand slam, and the “If you’ve ever….” list. Thanks for all the work you put in (and those who helped you).

  6. Well, thank you, Marilyn for the feedback and kind comments!

  7. Thanks for using the time and effort to write something so interesting.