Email Speak and Text Art

The Information Age is rife with new communication such as emoticons and email shorthand.  Those who grew up in it understand this “language” but others are just learning.

“Oh ((((Mary))))  r u ok?  I’ll cu l8tr 2nite.  U have a g8 wkend w/o him.  ;D”

Did you get all that? Maybe you need a translation.  “Oh, Mary (hugs).  Are you ok?  I’ll see you later tonight.  You have a great weekend without him. (wink/smile)”  But texting and email has produced some interesting text art too.  Take a look at the things you can use to help you communicate over the information superhighway!

@};— Rose


(::()::) Bandaid




,,,,,,,,,,,.,,(___)O Bunny


Hope you enjoyed those as they are the only ones I can do.  Have any of your own?  Post them here!

For more fun with communication, visit Art of!

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  1. I like this one, but it’s not my design. I’m not quite that talented. :)

    ¸…¸ / /\ ___
    ,·´º`·, ; /____/\__ //___/\
    “`)¨(´´´| | | | | | || |l±±±±
    ¸,.-´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°-.
    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

  2. Sorry, that didn’t come out so well. Let me try again. LOL I think I have to avoid the big picture block so scroll down.

    ¸…¸ / /\ ___
    ,·´º`·, ; /____/\__ //___/\
    “`)¨(´´´| | | | | | || |l±±±±
    ¸,.-´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `°-.
    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

  3. Oh well. . . doesn’t seem like I can get the roof in the right place here. SORRY

  4. These are so cute! I love the ? made by alt and 3 on the number pad
    and ? alt and 14 on number pad!

  5. Those are wonderful! Thanks.