This is NOT a Door!

A door by any other name…may not open?  So, if it’s NOT a door, what is it exactly?  Post your guess.
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  1. Well, it WAS a door. . . look at the indentation where the doorknob was removed and those hinges are a dead giveaway. What is it now? Probably nothing. . . they sealed it, I’m guessing, to make a solid wall (HAH HAH HAH), but they have to put that warning on it. Why? ‘CUZ IT LOOKS LIKE A DOOR!

  2. Art of Eloquence says:

    That was my point exactly, Carla. It IS a door; it just doesn’t open. lol

  3. LOL! Talk about an identity crisis!

  4. Art of Eloquence says:

    LOL Lisa.