Does your qualifications expire?

I find spam fascinatingly funny.  Fortunately for me, my inbox is stocked daily with fascinating bits of miscommunication to keep me occupied.  Take this one for example:

“Does your qualifications expire?” (Is that proper Inglish?)

Academic Qualifications available from prestigious NON-ACCREDITED universities.  (It’s so prestigious, it’s not accredited?)

Get the prestige that you deserve today!

Move ahead in your career today!

Bachelors, Masters and PhD’s available in your field and have those prestigious letters after your name!  (MMM, PhNaD: Master of Misleading Marketing and Prestigious Holder of Non Accredited Documents)

No examinations! No classes! No textbooks!  (No prestige!)

Call to register and receive your qualifications within days!

24 hours a day 7 days a week!  (to call  or to receive “qualifications”?)

Confidentiality assured!  (Confidential prestige?)

Phone Number +1 XXX XXX XXXX”

From JoJo’s Purple Crayon
Learning Speech Communication Skills
can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!

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  1. LOL. How funny… but I admit, I wouldn’t known what to do either if it weren’t for Jocelyn and Amanda, the HTML geeks. Yes, I would call them geeks.

    Glad you got your site up! I love all the purple, so pretty. :)
