Day 2 Projecat GRAPEful

Project GRAPEful

Grape News LogoProject GRAPEful continues…Recap:

We aim to bless our readers who, for the most part, have had a very difficult year in 2015.  For the next 21 days until Thanksgiving day, we will be sharing inspiring stories and things we are “GRAPEful” for.  We pray these tidbits bless you and that you and your family will find peace and strength each day.  (Aside from being able to enter to win prizes which you can read more about by clicking the link above.)

Today is my mom’s birthday!  She has always been a blessing to me. Throughout the last two years where my family has struggled through several natural disasters, health issues and now financial and business struggles, she has always made an effort to uplift me and her “hugs through the phone” can almost be felt across the country. 

This year, for the first time in history, I won’t be able to make it home for Thanksgiving with her, but I know that she is always with me!  So today, I’m thankful for my mom!  Happy birthday, Mom!!

What are your struggles and what are you thankful for today?  Please share as a comment down below this post. And please share this post with your Facebook family and other social media friends to inspire them to come and share their own as well.  We’ll be praying for each person listed below.


Here’s what will be awarded for the contest so far:

1. The most inspirational story

2. The person who shared our blog posts the most

3. The most insightful thing gained from doing this project

Prizes will include:

GGB Main Pix


Grape Grill Buddy BBQ Grill Mats






Art of Eloquence Prize Packages



See more prizes on our Project GRAPEful page!


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