Cow Salesman

Ever wonder what it would look like if farmers were like car salesmen?  Here’s a glimpse from the folks at Good Clean Funnies


A farmer had been taken advantage of several times by the local car dealer. One day, the car dealer informed the farmer that he was coming over to purchase a cow.

The farmer priced his cow as follows:

# Basic cow……………………… $499.95

# Shipping and handling…………….. 35.75

# Extra stomach……………………. 79.25

# Two-tone exterior……………….. 142.10

# Produce storage compartment………. 126.50

# Heavy-duty straw chopper…………. 189.60

# Four-spigot/high-output drain system. 149.20

# Automatic fly swatter…………….. 88.50

# Genuine cowhide upholstery……….. 179.90

# Deluxe dual horns………………… 59.25

# Automatic fertilizer attachment…… 339.40

# 4 x 4 traction drive assembly…….. 884.16

# Pre-delivery wash and comb………… 69.80


# Additional dealer adjustments:……. 300.00

TOTAL LIST PRICE (Including options): $3143.36

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  1. This is so funny! We’re trying to buy a car right now. Maybe I will print this and bring it to the salesperson. jk. Thanks for the chuckle. I hope you are feeling better as well.

  2. Haha!!! So funny and so true :)

  3. Love it! You always have such great posts!


  1. […] week I posted a Friday Funny called Cow Salesman where we found out what would happen if cow salesmen were like car salesmen.  I got an ‘off […]