It’s Communication FUNdamentals Week

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It’s Humor Week (or rather Communication FUNdamentals Week)  here at Communication FUNdamentals!  That means all the funniest communication tips, articles, videos, quotes, pictures <—— (notice anything funny about that?) and other creative fun I can muster.  Why?  Well, because the blog’s called Communication FUNdamentals.  That’s why!  lol

My blog’s name reflects the humor with which I write all of my articles and communication studies for Art of   I have always loved humor ever since I was a little tiny communicator and I patterned Art of Eloquence materials after The Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan, who used humor and his Christian faith to convey his messages.

I wrote a short article a long while ago in a galaxy far, far away that I have posted on the Articles Page of our website.  It’s called “Humor: A Powerful Communication Tool.”  So I’ll begin at the beginning with this article which starts off…

In the olde days of kings who ruled with absolute power, only the court jester could safely tell the King the truth, mediated through humor.  Anyone else who attempted to tell the Emperor he had no clothes was in danger of losing his head!

Humor is a valuable and effective tool for communicating just about anything because humor breaks down barriers.  Carefully disguised as fun, humor can smuggle new ideas into people’s hearts.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Knowing how important humor is to effective communication and the study of communication, I’m going to share as many comical, creative and fun ways in which we use humor this week.  I usually post only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but check back each day this week for more Communication FUNdamentals.

Today’s insightful, creative giggle is in the form of a video.  Victor Borge in Inflationary Language.  What do you think about humor? Post your comments here and please pass along the blog link to others to share the giggles!  Thanks.


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  1. I. Love. Humor Week.

    That is all.

    Harry Lewis

  2. I enjoy your humor and all the great tidbits you share! Thank you!

  3. I’m glad. Thanks for commenting!

  4. Thanks Harry. I love humor in general.

  5. You know I love Victor Borge almost as much as you do! This is twoderful! LOL It always amazes me that someone whose native language was not English could do so many things with the English language! The Vice Principal at our school is from Paraguay and she speaks and writes better English than most native Americans I know! She just made it her priority to learn. We need to make it our priority to learn better communication skills. Humor will do the trick and you, too, are a master of it, my dear!

  6. Aww…thanks, Carla. I love making folks laugh and think. Humor makes a great point because it get us to think and to remember.

  7. I love Victor Borge! Thanks for sharing this, JoJo!

  8. You’re welcome, Cindy. Thanks for posting. I adore his videos and this is one of my favorites.