I hope you enjoyed Communication Effectiveness Month. We talked about how communication skills affect just about every aspect of our lives from our parenting to our marriages and from our friendships to our careers. If you’d like to assess your communication skills, here is a communication quiz I designed years ago. I’ve copied part of it here, but you’ll see a link to the rest of it at the bottom of this post.
Communication Assessment Quiz
Check your CEQ: Communication Effectiveness Quotient.
1. How often do you feel intimidated by someone?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never
2. How often does intimidation prevent you from speaking up?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never
3. Do you shy away from conflict?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never
4. How often do you find it difficult to get your point across?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never
5. Do you find yourself angry with little idea of how to express yourself?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never
6. Are you ineffective in diffusing another’s anger?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never
7. Do you feel you are ineffective in getting what you want?
Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never
To finish the quiz, click here!
If you’ve identified an area that you’d like some help with, visit our website for a listing of various communication topics and age groups!
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This is a great self-test to gauge your communication skill. It might surprise you, too. You can be strong in lots of areas, but lacking in a few. Lots of good stuff here at AOE to take care of any weak areas you may have!
I know people who have trouble expressing themselves in public and then some who are fine giving speeches, but have trouble one on one. Everyone is different and there are many areas of life that require good communication skills. They can involve many different kinds of communication skills to master.
Nice article, thanks for the information.