Merry CHRISTmas from Art of Eloquence!

Merry CHRISTmas to all our subscribers!

Throughout the year we create several special free gifts JUST for our What’s New at Art of Eloquence newsletter subscribers that help during the various holidays and other special days of the year.

 Subscribers: Yours FREE this month!

It’s a craft, it’s a game and it teaches your young children how to meet and greet, introduce themselves and it even throws in a little spelling for good measure!

Developed with shy children in mind, this printable game comes with game board, game pieces, game cards and instructions that help your elementary children learn to “meat and grete,” make friends and be social.

For two to four players.  Roll the die, and move the pieces ahead on the board. The first one who gets to the winner square is the winner, but EVERYONE wins because everyone learns how to introduce themselves at social events!  As they come to places where they need to introduce themselves, they will learn the skills necessary to do so in real life.  A perfect way to help children, especially shy children, practice these skills!

It’s a craft: print out the colorful board, cut out the FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) player pieces and assemble the Game Cards and Friend Cards.

It’s a game: play the game and have fun for two to four players!

It’s a communication skills exercise:  the more your children play, the more they master the art of conversation, making friends and introductions.  FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) doesn’t spell very well so you can even challenge your children to find the misspelled words on the game.

Download it here: Art of Eloquence has this creative game on sale here at our store, but subscribers can download it free this month right here(Sorry, but this has expired.)


NOTE: This is for newsletters subscribers ONLY!  Please DO NOT pass this link along.  It will be available to you, our subscribers, this month ONLY so download it here today!


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