Rein of Error

This is a new feature here on the Art of Eloquence blog.  Many of my readers feel there has been a rein of error in communication these days.  They cringe when they see misspellings, improper use of grammar and typos.  This new feature of the AoE blog will turn your cringing into giggling.

Here are this month’s Rein of Error entries you can laugh at.  No need to avert your eyes!  It’s safe to look.  Can you spot all the errors?   These are just a few of the ones we had personal experience with.

This was my son’s cake from a few years ago.










This was an SAT Prep Book we chose not to buy for our dd about six yrs ago.

Barron's SAT Prep 23nd Edition










And here is a picture a friend of mine sent me that was in her city.











Did you spot all the errors?  How’d they happen?  Take a guess.  Have your kids try their hand too.  Please post your findings in the comments.

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Thank you for shopping with us?!

clownIt amazes me how so few people think learning to communicate effectively is important.  Today’s society says we have free speech and should feel emboldened to say whatever we feel, but so few seek to speak in a way that minimizes errors for the recipient or takes seriously the consequences and responsibility.  Case in point:

My sister works at a retail store.  A few months ago a truck drove off the road and through their store window hurting a patron.  The customer was wheel chair bound, but only received a cut on her leg due to the accident.  She was lucky.  However, the saleswoman on the floor that day who escourted her to the ambulance said her goodbyes in a way that prompted a complaint call from that customer two days after the event.  What did the saleswoman say to her departing and injured customer?

“Thank you for shopping with us.”

She says she was trying to lighten the mood, but the truth is she wasn’t very sensitive to the feelings of her customer.

Communication Tip of the Month: NEVER try to use humor with someone you don’t know, particularly if it’s during a serious situation!

What would you have said?  What could this saleswoman have said?  What should she have said?

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Wright the Wrongs: Rewrite These Faux Facebook Statuses

painRewrite these (mostly) faux Facebook statuses so they are written in proper English.

1. goin fishin ltr

2. r u kidding me?????


4. marry had a litle lamb chop4 diner

5. bet u didnt’ fin her their when u got they’re i know you mustv lookd for a looooooooooong tim ?will u do now?


NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Wright the Wrongs

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“Wright” the Wrongs in this paragraph. How many grammar/spelling mistakes can you find?

Their once was a lady who would only ware purple.  She had many clothings, but they just hang in the clause it because they where grean or reed.  One day, she decided to die them all violent so she wood be able two ware then.  Little by little, dipped them all in the purple buck it until all of then where the proper color.  She wasn’t happy until every dress and skirt, every pare of pants and shorts, and every socks and shews were purple.  Finally, she even died her hare purple!  And she lived appley every after.

This is a great exercise for your children as well.  Have them look the paragraph over and post what they find. No looking at what others have posted now! LOL  Post your findings as a comment to this blog post.  Let’s see how clever you all are!

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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