What to say about WHY I talk to myself

We interrupt phone week for this commercial message from Word of the Week.  And the word is self-talk!

A while back, there was a popular book on the market called, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself.  I never had that problem.  I always knew what to say when I talk to myself. What I often had trouble with was what to say about WHY I talk to myself.  Maybe I should write a bestselling book!  Hmmm….

For me, it’s a way to think things through, work things out in my head.  Sometimes I work them out outside my head.  Sometimes I talk to myself out loud to entertain myself as I figure things out.  Sometimes I do it to entertain others.  I love to make comments to myself as I shop.  It invites people to laugh which is a great way to meet people, make friends and have a good time.

But sometimes we talk to ourselves for other reasons, don’t we?

Why do we talk to ourselves?  Why do you?

1. Because sometimes we’re the only one who will listen
2. Because we feel we’re the only one who cares.
3. Because often we think we’re the only one who understands.
4. Because we think we’re the only one who can help.
5. Because many times we’re the only one who takes the time.

The next question is what do you say to people who notice you are talking to yourself–out loud?

1. I’m having a party for all my personalities.
2. I’m having a parent/teacher meeting. (I homeschool)
3. I’m thinking out loud because the acoustics in my head are especially bad today.
4. I’m really talking to God.

And that’s the key right there, isn’t it?  That’s who we SHOULD be talking to.  He listens, He cares, He understands, He will help and He takes the time.

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Dr. SeUsS FuN

Today is Dr. Seuss’ birthday. He would have been 108 years old today.  We’ve been talking about Dr. Seuss, silly words, creative fun and humor all this week.  This week, I’d like to share a new movie coming out–today as a matter of fact: The Lorax.  Has anyone seen a preview of this movie?  It looks cute, colorful and fun, but I don’t happen to remember the story.  My kids are a bit old for Dr. Seuss.  Would love you to share your thoughts.

Sometimes the movies made from Dr. Seuss stories have a little twist to them I wasn’t expecting.  There was some controversy about Horton Hears a Who, which had a kangaroo who was “Pouch Schooled” which seemed to suggest the old socialization issue and perhaps an anti-Christian bias.  Please share your thoughts.

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Share your family’s made up words

Wednesdays are usually the times when I share an obscure word or a deeper meaning of a commonly used word.  Since we’ve been celebrating Dr. Seuss this week, I thought I’d ask you all to share your own favorite made up words/terms this Word of the Week.

Dr. Seuss made up silly, nonsense words and terms for his books.  It’s what made his books so much fun.  Some made up words eventually find their way into the dictionary.  Many of the words we commonly use today were made up by a man named William Shakespeare.

My family has made up words and terms.  My daughter and son made up the word “nork,” a combination of the word nerd and dork which they affectionately use with each other as a term of endearment.  My son claims to be the Supreme Alpha Nork to Infinity, which I suppose, is a high honor.  lol

What words has your family made up?  Please share your family’s word stories.

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What do you do when you can not tell a lie?

Washington’s birthday got me thinking about another president born in February.

President Lincoln is known for his honesty and Honest Abe would never tell a lie.  Here, in this Geico commercial, he is faced with telling his wife the truth when she asks him a question wives have been asking for decades.

So what do you do when you cannot tell a lie?


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Word of the Week: Leader

This week’s word is Leadership.  I love this quote from General George Washington to his commanders: “A leader must look and act the part if he is going to have the success needed for a proper command.”

George Washington was a great leader, so much so that he was a general and our only president to be elected unanimously.  He understood that in order to be an effective leader, you need to look and act the part.  In other words, a leader must communicate that he is worth following.

A leader is expected to inspire to command his troops or a nation.  This cannot be accomplished without the Language of Leadership.  It’s more than weilding power or even using the right words. It’s an entire package and, if you don’t have it, you will not be given a position of leadership and you cannot be effective without it.

For more information on how you can develope the Language of Leadership, click the one of the links, scroll down to the bottom of the page and download our sample lesson.

The Bible tells us what a good and true leader is and Say What You Mean: The Language of Leaderships shows you how to accomplish this in today’s world.

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Who do we celebrate on President’s Day?

Popular culture tells us that when I was a little girl, we used to celebrate Washington’s birthday and Lincoln’s birthday along with Valentine’s Day every February. However, due to the difficulty in having two such paid holidays, Washington and Lincoln’s birthday celebrations were combined and called President’s Day.  These stories began circulating in the 1950’s.

Adding to the confusion of these rumors was the notion that President Nixon is credited with changing Washingtong’s birthday to President’s Day commemorating ALL presidents including himself.  Nixon did issue an Executive Order declaring the third Monday of February as Washington’s Birthday, but the notion he called for it to be called President’s Day celebrating all presidents was actually from a newspaper spoof.

According to this snopes article, in 1968, the New York Times reported:

The first uniform Monday holiday plan was promulgated by NATO [the National Association of Travel Organizations] in the early 1950’s. It called for combining Washington’s and Lincoln’s Birthdays into a single President’s Day, to be celebrated the third Monday in February, and shifting Memorial Day to the fourth Monday in May, Independence Day to the first Monday in July and Veterans Day to the second Monday in November.

This initial effort met with sporadic success in a few states. But after several years of attempting to get the individual states to adopt uniform Monday holidays, it became apparent that a Federal bill was needed to serve as an example for state action.”

This is how confusion is spread through miscommunication.  The third Monday of February is Washington’s Birthday, though you will, no doubt, see many a TV and newspaper ad depicting both Washington and Lincoln pushing products from furniture to kitchen items.

This is the stuff that brings us to coin phrases like, “don’t believe everything you read,” grows urban legends and makes sites like Snopes.com so popular.  What say you?  What do you celebrate on “President’s Day?”

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Secret Doctor Talk Decoder Ring

Are you an “emotional female” droning on to your doctor, year after year. about “little things” like fibromyalgia, thyroid issues, insomnia, menopause, or hypoglycemia?  Have you encountered any of the following Doctor Talk only to become confused because your brain is fuzzy from lack of sleep or the pain that is “all in your head?”  Having trouble deciphering what your doctor means?  Maybe you need the…

Secret Doctor Talk Decoder Ring:

* All the tests came back negative.
(Translation: I don’t know what else to do for you so you’ll just have to live with it.)

* Maybe you should take a few days off work.
(Translation: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you, but you might feel better if you go shopping and buy a new hat.)

* Are you worried or stressed about something…how’s your family life?
(Translation: Since the tests are all negative, you must be upset about something in your life.  Depressed people complain of stuff.)

* Are you sure you’re not depressed?
(Translation: You’re a hypochondriac or it’s all in your head.)

Now don’t you feel so much better?

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Word of the Week: Natural

On Monday I posted about how doctors don’t communicate to their patients well enough.  Today I’d like to talk about something a bit outside the medical community, but still in the health industry.  This week’s word is Natural.  I posted about this a few years ago, but thought it was appropriate to bring it back this week to share with you a very important distinction that is not usually made when advertising health related products.

By JoJo Tabares

You may never know it by listening to political rhetoric, TV commercials or the main-stream media, but words actually mean things.  Specific things!  If we allow ourselves to get caught up in the current trend to re-define words and to use them as we see fit, we end up saying nothing of value.  If we don’t realize that today’s societal trend is to adopt a Shakespearian attitude in applying meanings to words, we may be fooled into believing something that just isn’t so.

In the next several weeks, I will be sharing some of the ways in which words are misused or even purposely used incorrectly and how to discern the truth by paying close attention the real meaning of words.

This week’s word is…Natural.  Natural is a word misused by the advertising industry and is one of my Dad’s pet peeves.  Natural means “existing in or produced by nature : not artificial.”  (Merriam Webster.com)   Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which the word natural is used in advertising.

*All Natural  *Natural Goodness  *Naturally Good  *Naturally Delicious

“Natural” is an advertising technique.  Advertisers use the word “natural” in a way that leads you to believe that, if it’s natural, it has to be good for you.  This is not always true.  Here is a short list of things that exist in nature that are NOT good for you.

•    Tornadoes (and other Natural Disasters)

•    Scarlet Fever (and some people reportedly die of “Natural Causes”)

•    Cocaine (but this is not what you would consider a Natural High)

Why is this an important distinction?  Because not everything that is advertised as “natural” is natural and not everything that is natural is so good for you.  There are things that exist in nature that are not good for you when taken in large amounts-like salt.  If you drink too much water in a short period of time, you can die.  We know this from the radio stations that have had water drinking contests with disastrous results!  “Natural” potato chips may be better for you, but if you eat too many, you will still gain weight.  If you eat them exclusively, you are not getting the nutrition you need.

I remember a Bill Cosby stand up routine where his wife asked him to get breakfast for the children.  His young daughter wanted chocolate cake, which was already made and easily served.  He argued that it had natural ingredients like flour, eggs and milk.  Though his children were singing praises to dad for the chocolate cake with natural ingredients, mom didn’t believe it was a good choice for breakfast.

Related to all things natural is the word “Organic”.  Organic foods are all the rage lately.  Naturally good for you.  Consumer Reports did a study several years ago about Organic Foods.  They determined that organic foods containing no pesticides were no more healthful than those that used pesticides.  Actually, they determined that some organic foods might contain a larger amount of micro organisms for which the pesticides are used.  In fact, it found that it can be dangerous to buy organic fish and seafood because fish can contain mercury, which is also natural.

Many products use the word “natural” in order to get you to buy them, but some of them are really not very good for you.  Fruit snacks may have natural flavoring, but I wouldn’t suggest my kids eat many of them.  Something may be listed as “All Natural” but if you read the packaging, you’ll find that not all of the ingredients are natural.

In general, it is true that things are better the way they are created by God in nature.  However, not everything labeled as “natural” really is and not everything that is natural is really good.  Remember that the Lord gave the Jews many laws, the purpose of which was to protect them from some of the more deadly things that are “natural”.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as Crosswalk.com and Dr.Laura.com.  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit http://www.ArtofEloquence.com

Words mean things, don’t they?  What say you about the “natural” things advertised these days?

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Ronald Reagan-What’s My Line

It’s time again for Friday Funnies and since we are still celebrating Ronald Reagan’s birthday this week, I thought I’d post a rare video of his appearance on What’s My Line that I found on YouTube.  Enjoy this vintage black and white humor spectical.

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The word is humor


In honor of Ronald Reagn’s birthday this week, the word of the week is humor.  What is humor?

Merriam Webster defines it as “a: that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous b: the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous c: something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing.”
Humor comes in many forms including: one liners, jokes, whiticisms, puns, slapstick, and sarcasm.  Some humor involves the telling of stories and Ronald Reagan had plenty of them always at the ready.  This is a rare YouTube video montage of his best Soviet Union jokes he loved to share.

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