Homeschoolers: TOS Incredible Offer!

My friends at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine have an incredible offer this year.  Check this out!

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine is excited to announce our 2011 Homeschool Gifts Bouquet–our popular, semi-annual 19 Gifts promotion. There were 5,000 packages available but since we launched in late February, we’re almost sold out! We’re thinking they’ll be all gone by early May.

If you haven’t already subscribed, NOW is your opportunity to get an amazing homeschooling publication in your hands… or in the hands of a homeschooling friend!

You will have several educational GIFTS rolling in over the next few weeks! What kinds of companies are on board this year?

* Friends & Heroes
* Library and Educational Services
* Joy Berry Books
* Video Text Interactive Math
* A Journey Through Learning
* Beautiful Feet Books
* Graphics Toolbox
* Healthy Life Press
* Art of Logic
* Homeschool Programming
* In the Hands of a Child
* Make It Real Learning Company
* Math Mammoth
* Shurley English
* Supercharged Science
* World Wide Center for Math
* Brooks Educational Aids
* SpeeKee TV
* Egghead Academics
* The Old Schoolhouse Bonus Gifts => John Taylor Gatto E-Book & MP3!

Click here to see more details about this amazing offer!

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My Redeemer Lives!

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One of my most favorite songs of all time.  Blessings on this Resurrection SONday to your and your family from all of us here at Art of!

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Christian Pizza


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It’s Tax Day and we all need a giggle.  This Friday Funny is brought to you by my dd and her college friend.

My dd emailed this to me the other day from college.  Her friend had ordered pizza to be delivered to the Baptist Collegiate Ministry and it came with this receipt.

They say God is in the details, but I didn’t think He was into pizza delivery!  If you notice, it says, “Your pizza experience managed by Christ.”

Now I’m sure that a Christopher (or Christine) must be the manager of this pizza establishment, but I think it serves to remind us that God is ultimately in control, does it not?


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Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post!


Many years ago, I received an email from someone who wanted to unsubscribe from my newsletter.  It said,



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Happy Bar Mitzvah Erving?

Today is April Fool’s Day, but then I’ve never liked April Fool’s.  Some of the tricks played on this day seemed mean and others were downright cruel.  However, I have a funny story for you that kind of qualifies as April Fool’s, Tabares Style.  I need to begin at the beginning and that would be way back in the 70’s.  Let me take you down memory lane.

All in the Family was a popular show in the 70’s and, if you are old enough to remember the show, you’ll know that Archie Bunker was a cheapskate.  One episode had him purchasing a cake for his wife’s birthday and coming home with a cake that said, “Happy Bar Mitzvah Irving!”  Why?  Because the customer failed to pick it up and it was half price.  All during the episode, people laughed and said, “Who’s Irving?”

My family had a great sense of humor and so for my mother’s birthday that year, we (on purpose) bought her a cake that said, “Happy Bar Mitzvah Irving!”

Run a bit further down Memory Lane and you’ll come to the early 90’s when my dd was a little girl.  We told her about this family story and she loved the idea.  She always said she wanted a cake that said, “Happy Bar Mitzvah Irving!” but we thought she was kidding.

Our dd is away at college in her junior year.  Every year on her Spring Break, she and friends have a missions trip somewhere.  Last year was San Diego.  This year was Tampa.  So she is almost always either 1800 miles away at college or on a missions trip during her birthday.

This year, on March 13th, she was scheduled to drive back 12hrs on a bus from Tampa to Nashville.  She told us that the director of the organization she went with was planning something for her birthday.  One of the activities was to have all 40 of her friends sing Happy Birthday to her each hour of the trip.  They ended up singing in several languages and using many different arrangements of the song.

I contacted the director ahead of time, explained the story behind the cake and asked him to help me provide the cake for everyone on her birthday.  He emailed back that he would be happy to help and gave me the number of a bakery near where they would stop for lunch.  I ordered the cake and verified all the details of the cake.

I called her for her birthday after she should have had lunch and the cake.  She was so excited and everyone had a great time with it.  After all, this was a Christian ministry team on the way back from a missions trip eating birthday cake that said, “Happy Bar Mitzvah Irving!”  Or did it?  This story gets even more bizarre when you hear the punch line.

My dd mentioned that the cake was misspelled.  I was a bit worried that the bakery wouldn’t spell Bar Mitzvah correctly. It’s not a popular spelling word.  To my surprise, Bar Mitzvah wasn’t the word they misspelled.


Happy Bar Mitzvah Erving!


My dd said the cake was actually fairly ugly.  Plain white icing with several GREEN roses.  I had asked them to put a few flowers on the cake with green writing.  Everyone said the cake was delicious and a fun time was had by all!

I regret that I don’t have a picture to show you.  I had asked them to take pictures and they did, just none of the infamous cake.  :(  I do have good news, though.  My dd has asked that this become a tradition on her birthday.  Each year we’ll spell Irving a different way.

Happy Bar Mitzvah Urving

Happy Bar Mitzvah Earving

Happy Bar Mitzvah Yving…


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Overcoming Faith?

Christian Center Fail

see more funny videos, and check out our Forever Alone lols!

I think this sign may have needed an editor!  It’s always a good idea to have someone else read over your sign just to make sure you’re on track with the message.  Overcoming faith?  I don’t think that is the objective.

UPDATE: A Facebook friend tells me that the church’s name is “Overcoming Faith.”  To me, that seems to say they help you overcome your faith in God.  She lives in the area and, though she also thinks it’s confusing, she says she thinks they really mean to say that they desire to help people overcome things with their faith or through faith. I would never have thought so by the sign. Interesting that one reader says she knew right away what it meant. Anyone else see it that way? What do you take this to mean?


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Gone Phishing

We’ve been talking about the deadly communication sins of advertising this month and I thought it appropriate to bring out the big guns of funny. has some fun videos that teach on various topics.  This one is about Phishing:



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Honesty in Advertising?


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NEW Facebook Advertising Trick!

I don’t normally post on Thursdays, but I began to notice a new Deadly Communication Sin of Advertising the other day that was confirmed for me just yesterday.  Since this one is new, it’s not part of my article, “The 12 Deadly Communication Sins of Advertising,” BUT you should be aware of it.  Here’s how it works:

You receive an email notifying you that you have a new comment to a Facebook post.  It says you should check out this link for special deals on XYZ. You click on the link to see why someone would have posted this as a response and you find that their comment ISN’T THERE!  Since your post was about how you needed prayer for your mom, you assume that it must have been a mistake.

Three days later you receive another email comment to another Facebook post from this same new “friend.”  It, too, is a link they want you to visit and it, too, is no longer showing.  Again, you notice that your post has nothing whatsoever to do with their links and that the posts they are commenting on happen to have lots of responses from your friends.

The next day, you find another one and suddenly you see a “deadly communication sin of advertising.”  Posting a link as a comment makes it clickable and sends it to every single friend who replied to your Facebook post.  Since it’s no longer there, most think it was a simple mistake, but some might actually click on the link out of curiosity and perhaps purchase from this spammer.

The problem with this technique is that the spammer will eventually frustrate her friends and their friends and, as the old Breck commercial used to say, “and so on and so on and so on…”

I’ve seen a similar advertising trick on Twitter.  You receive an email that you have a reply to your Twitter comment.  It directs you to their website only you realize that you and he aren’t following each other on Twitter.  He doesn’t have to.  To send a direct message, a Twitterer must both be following you and have YOU following him.  To send you an @ reply, a Twitterer doesn’t even need to be following YOU!

Fortunately, you can block a Twitter Twit or Facebook Fool who is spamming you, but beware of their tricks.  Sometimes these links are viruses.  Sometimes they take over your account.  I had one recent Facebook link that I clicked on because a good friend had it posted on her wall.  When I clicked on it, I found that it not only automatically made me a member of their fan page, but it posted the same thing on MY wall as was on my friend’s wall in order to entice others to click on it.  I was able to remove the post on my wall, but I am unable to UNlike their fan page.  And each time I tried, I found another post on my wall that I had to delete.

Remember JoJoism#27:  “Technology’s a wonderful thing…until it isn’t!”


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Ad Quality

engrish funny - sometimes, even we get it wrong
see more Engrish


I think they missed word….


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