Meet Amy Jo Garner: Christian Mentor

Amy Jo Garner is a Christian Mentor who specializes in bringing people closer to God through an improved prayer life, spiritual disciplines, and fruitful devotional practices. Christian mentoring, sometimes called spiritual direction, is simply the long-standing practice of one Christian helping another grow in Christ-likeness. It is not counseling or therapy. Amy Jo is a graduate of Northwest Nazarene University with a MA in Religion with a concentration in Pastoral Ministry. Before answering the call to a life of ministry, she graduated from the University of South Carolina with a BA in English and a MA in Journalism. She is a member of Christians for Biblical Equality, the American Academy of Religion, Spiritual Directors International, Christian Women United in Business, and Phi Beta Kappa.

1. Please tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a writer, educator and pastor (not necessarily in that order; it depends on the hour and the day!) who advocates living simply and graciously. I’ve lived in Oklahoma for 20 years and now consider myself a full-fledged Sooner. However, I grew up in South Carolina and still call the Palmetto State “home” since that is where my parents live and where I graduated high school and college. I had a long corporate career before I decided to strike out on my own to explore my passions for ministry and adult education.

2. What is a typical day in the life of Amy Jo?
I teach at a local college, so my weekdays vary depending on my teaching schedule. But generally I get up about 7 in the morning and take care of all my critters (dogs, cats, chickens, pigeons) and then settle in for my morning bible study. I’m also apparently one of the few people who actually reads a real newspaper each morning with my coffee! If I’m teaching a day class I’ll be in the classroom until 3 p.m. and then head home for another round of critter care, some dinner, and an evening of reading, paper grading, and preparing for the next day. If I’m teaching a night class the day starts the same but I find I have more time for ministry and other business interests before I have to head off to class around 5 p.m. Regardless of my class schedule, I try to allot a percentage of my non-classroom hours each day to each of my interests: ministry, Christian mentoring, web design, and writing.

3. I love hearing people’s testimony! Please share how you came to know the Lord and how important The Great Commission is to a believer.
I was raised in a Christian home and really do not remember ever not knowing Jesus. I do remember responding to an altar call when I was 8, and I was baptized at 12. Like many young people I went through some years of doubt and questioning during college, but at my core I always knew there was something bigger than myself and bigger for myself. However, it really was not until I had to deal with a personal crisis in my 30s that I finally said, “That’s it, God. You take the helm. I’m all out of ideas.” For me, The Great Commission is more than telling people the Good News of Christ. The Great Commission is a lifestyle. I have always admired the example of St. Francis of Assisi who is often credited with saying “spread the gospel everywhere; use words if necessary.”

4. How many years have you been married and how important has effective communication been in your marriage?
I was in an emotionally and verbally abusive marriage and have never remarried. I’ve been blessedly single for more than 10 years now! I often say I was “unfortunately married.” It was unfortunate because I made a poor choice in mates: and I made a poor choice because I missed many communication signals that should have warned me away. Pretty sad for a young woman who had just graduated from college with a degree in communications. When I work with women and couples today, I stress developing communication skills early on in a relationship. In fact, I believe couples should develop those skills before the wedding. If I’d had that advice and a pre-marriage program that stressed communication, I may have made a different choice.

5. What is your favorite scripture and share what God is communicating to you personally through it.
My favorite scripture is Colossians 3:12 – “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” This is the verse that inspires both my life and my ministry. I picture myself getting dressed each day in the beautiful garments my Father has purchased for me at a very great price. In addition, the Spirit nudges me daily to help others dress themselves from the same bountiful closet in my Father’s house.

6. You have a unique ministry/business.  How important is effective communication for you as you go about your daily activities?
The bulk of my ministry is writing and teaching, so good communication is vital. Each day I respond to requests that come to me via my websites or social media outlets. I also produce a variety of posts, podcasts, video, and conduct live and online seminars.

7. What forms of communication do you use in your ministry/business?  Which one is your favorite and why?
I use email, blogging, essays, video, podcasts, videoconferencing, and social media. My favorite right now is video. Although I’m a writer at heart, I recognize that we live in a world where people prefer to learn about things via short and engaging media.

8. What are the challenges in communicating in other ways?
For me, the most challenging form of communication is email. Unlike many people I treat email the same as I treat the phone: it’s there for my convenience not theirs. Consequently, I respond to emails (and voicemails!) a bit slower than a lot of folks would like. But with the schedule I keep I simply cannot stop and answer emails every hour (or sometimes even every day); if I did, I would never be prepared for class or complete any projects.

9. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about a misunderstanding you had in the past, what would you tell yourself?
Don’t marry that guy!

10. How can we learn more about you and your business/ministry?
Find me:
on the web at or
on Twitter
on ExpertClick
on Facebook

11. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with today?
I’ll leave you with a quote from my personal statement of faith: “Every person is equal in the eyes of God and is uniquely gifted to serve God and others. In this way, our very lives are an act of spiritual worship of the Divine Creator.”




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Time for a little juvenile fun w/Mark Lowry

Presentation is everything in a performance. The harmony is gorgeous and Mark Lowry is hysterical.  Enjoy you’re weekend and I’ll see ya Monday!


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Meet Zillah Williams, Editor/Author

It’s my great pleasure to introduce to you Zillah Williams.  Zillah is our wonderful editor, a real gem and a dear soul!  I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading more about her, how communication plays a role in her life and her words of wisdom.

1. Please tell us a little about yourself.
I was born in England and came to Australia as a teenager. Always having had a liking for books and reading, I chose librarianship as a career. My love of books turned into a desire to create my own and I’ve written, and have had published, five books for teenagers. Other things I enjoy are researching my family history, watching a good TV drama and looking in the windows of pet shops!

2. What is a typical day in the life of Zillah Williams?
Well, things change over the years, but these days a typical program is fitting in working at the computer between the usual cooking and household activities. Besides that, the day might include sitting at a microphone recording material for my husband who produces audio programs for our local radio station for the print handicapped and for Christian Blind Mission in Melbourne, Victoria.

If I have an editing job to do, it occupies a large chunk of my day.  And, at present, I’m engaged in writing a romance/mystery novel. I also write letters to the papers to express my opinions.

3. I love hearing people’s testimony! Please share how you came to know the Lord and how important The Great Commission is to a believer.
It was when I was first at school in Australia that I made a conscious decision to become a Christian. I was thirteen year of age and had attended a convent school before coming to Australia. I had always believed in God, Jesus Christ and the Bible, but it was when an Australian school friend pinned me down, as it were, and got me to read a copy of the booklet, The Reason Why that I made the definite decision. I still remember saying to myself, “It’ll be hard, but I’ll do it.”! Well – that doesn’t sound very “spiritual” does it, but it was a beginning.

4. How many years have you been married and how important has effective communication been in your marriage?
My husband and I recently celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. We didn’t come into marriage with well-developed communication skills. What really helped us was:

*  A men’s retreat which my husband attended. It was led by a friend of his, Gordon, who had begun a ministry to men. Gordon sought to help men get their priorities straight and to put God first in their lives; then their wives. Their work was to take last place. Many men, including my husband, were greatly blessed by Gordon’s ministry. Relationships were healed.

*  A Marriage Encounter Weekend. We wouldn’t have gone to this except for the fact that we were invited by an old school friend of mine who, together with her husband, was organizing this particular weekend. The leaders of this Marriage Encounter opened their lives to those attending; problems were brought out into the open and my husband and I were among those who were freed-up to share things with each other which we’d not shared before. (We were shocked when one man there told the group that he had never regarded his marriage as being a permanent relationship. I’m sure that was something he had never, until then, communicated to his wife!).


*  Being baptized with the Holy Spirit. This new dimension in our lives with God made a tremendous difference to our ability to communicate because, I think, God was now in our relationship in a way He hadn’t been before.

5. Share with us your greatest blessings and challenges you have had as a parent.
One of the things we discovered, as parents, was that, even though teens might appear to resent being forbidden to do something with friends which we thought could be harmful, they would later confess to being relieved we’d said “no”.

6. What is your favorite scripture and share what God is communicating to you personally through it.
It’s impossible to choose, but a Scripture that is very important to me right now is Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” It’s important to me because here Jesus is explaining how we can communicate with God.

7. You have a unique ministry/business.  How important is effective communication for you as you go about your daily activities?
Well, as I said, I do some freelance editing work. I have found that authors appreciate being informed when I suggest changes to their manuscripts. They like to know my reasons for the changes I suggest, though obvious spelling errors don’t need any explanation.  I enjoy getting to know the authors, communicating with them, and putting them at their ease.

One problem – well, not really a problem – I have found in being a proofreader is that it bothers me when I find an error on someone’s website! Recently, I found several “typos” on the website of a newly established overseas clothing company. I contacted the owner and said that I didn’t want to offend but asked if she would like me to let her know where the errors were. She was most appreciative, saying that spelling was not her strong point. I think I’ve made a friend in this instance, and have since bought an item of clothing from her.

8. What forms of communication do you use in your ministry/business?  Which one is your favorite and why?
I use emails to communicate because most of my work has been for people at a distance, and emails are so convenient.  They are also easier to read than my writing!

9. What are the challenges in communicating in other ways?
Although emails are a convenient method of communication, they can be open to misinterpretation. Nothing can quite make up for person-to-person communication involving tone of voice and the opportunity to immediately question something you don’t quite understand. And yet, some people (and I’m one of them) can communicate better by writing than by speaking. I do so admire people who can hold ideas in their heads, and speak “on their feet” – presenting points in logical sequence – with no “ums” and “ahs”.

10. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about a misunderstanding you had in the past, what would you tell yourself?
So hard to answer. I have learned that things which seem right at the time can have unexpected results which could cause distress to others. I think I’d advise myself to carefully consider all possible ramifications of the action I want to take; to ask trusted friends what I should do; and to settle it with God that it is right. There’s a lot of truth in the adage: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

11. How can we learn more about you and your business/ministry?
I belong to The Christian PEN (The Christian Proofreaders and Editors’ Network) and I have a modest website of my own where I advertise a book which I compiled and edited: Healing is a Way of Life

I’m the kind of person who likes to fill a supporting role. I prefer working on assignment to publishers or other editors and am an editor for the Australian self-publishing company Love of Books I’ve also worked for JoJo

12. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with today?
Having started my Christian walk with the idea that it was up to me to “do it”, I have learned that I was wrong. I can’t “do it” but I don’t have to. God’s love, undeserved and unearned, takes care of every detail.

Communication can be unspoken. Words in themselves don’t always communicate, do they? Poor Eliza Dolittle in My Fair Lady told her suitor, Freddy:

“Never do I ever want to hear another word.
There isn’t one I haven’t heard.
Here we are together in what ought to be a dream;
Say one more word and I’ll scream!”

And I’ve always been impressed by what Paul said to the Christians in Rome – that God’s invisible nature, His power and deity, can be clearly understood – that is, communicated – by the things He has made – by Creation itself.


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July is Cell phone Courtesy Month

July is Cell Phone Courtesy Month and Freedom from Fear of Speaking Month!  Wow!  What a month for communication stuff, eh?

In honor of these two most important celebrations (“communicationally” speaking), I’d like to remind everyone not to:

* Send text messages in the movie theater creating spectacles of light while others are trying to watch the movie.

* Have a conversation with Uncle Vinny about his gallstone surgery while at a fancy restaurant.

* Forget to check out Art of for all the fun ways to learn to communicate effectively in almost any situation!


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Happy Independence Day!

This week’s Interview with a communicator is preempted by this incredible YouTube flag domino video in order to celebrate Independence Day!  We’ll bring you a new Interview next week…

This is a YouTube video FIND: What an incredibly creative display in celebration of Independence Day!  Happy Fourth of July!


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Anniversary of the 1st TV Commercial

The American TV audience that tuned in to see the Brooklyn Dodgers take on the Philadelphia Phillies on July 1, 1941, likely didn’t realize they were about to witness TV history. But when a 20-second scene of a Bulova clock face appeared on their screens, overdubbed with the phrase, “The world runs on Bulova time,” the estimated 4,000 viewers witnessed a milestone: the first paid TV commercial.” [source: TV Acres].

As anyone who watches modern TV knows, commercials are an integral part of television broadcasting. The advertisements have not only changed the way we shop, but they’ve also changed the way TV broadcasts are produced. TV dramas often break for commercials at high-tension moments, compelling viewers to sit through the commercials to see what happens next. And the production of TV commercials has become a high-stakes business that commands as much influence as the broadcast programming itself. New York-based Bulova Watch Company reportedly paid $9 for that 1941 commercial, an infinitely small sum compared to the millions of dollars spent on commercials that run during modern events like the Super Bowl. The small ad was just the tip of a broadcasting iceberg, and one has to wonder if the Bulova advertising representatives — or the broadcaster who sold the ad — had any idea what would evolve from that brief broadcasting moment.”  [source: The Most Expensive Journal].


Bulova paid $9 for the world’s first television commercial, a July 1, 1941, placement on New York station WNBT before a baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies.

Here are some more first commercials:

Original Raid Commercial from 1948:


Original Maytag Repairman Commercial:

Here’s a one of the first Band Aid commercials:

I love how they are talking about the colors when the commercial is in black and white! ROFL


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Interview w/a Communicator: Tech Services Provider

Meet Traci Knoppe, tech service provider, internet marketer, entrepreneur, blogger, teacher and public speaker.

Traci has been online since 1996, built her first website in 1997 and started her first online business (web design services) in 1999.  She added internet and affiliate marketer to the mix in 2007. Then in 2009 changed her per-hour web design business model to a Team model when she hired help and offered her web design and tech skills as an outsourcing services provider – which she continues to do today.

Traci is a wealth of information on most techie issues which is a great relief for non techies like me!  She is also a fabulous friend and I know you will enjoy hearing more about her.

1. Please tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a Christian wife, mom, mother-in-law and grandmother who is a homebody that enjoys sewing, reading, my dogs, cats and a good cup of coffee.  I’ve been a work at home entrepreneur since 1998.

2. What is a typical day in the life of Traci Knoppe?
As a confirmed morning person, I’m up early – usually by 6am daily to enjoy some quiet time in prayer; then coffee and checking email, etc.. while I map out my to-do list for the day.

Then I hit the ground running and managing my Team, assigning out work to them and then digging in and doing client work myself.  My day often consists of numerous phone calls and various interruptions which are common to work at home life. :)

3. I love hearing people’s testimony! Please share how you came to know the Lord and how important The Great Commission is to a believer.
In 1988 I was in the process of a divorce and was an independent consultant for Home Interiors, which was a Christian owned and operated business, and lead my local Team Directors.  I met many fine ladies in our Team meetings and one was attending a new big local church and invited me to go with her.  I felt drawn to go and before I knew it, I found myself propelled out of my seat and going down for an altar call.  I know God was calling me, and had been for quite a while, and that day on July 17, 1988 was the day I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

Sharing the good news of Jesus is paramount and what we, as Christians, are called to do.  Being a homebody, I truly don’t get out much – but have used the internet and my personal web site to tell others about Jesus.  Unlike many business owners, I have chosen to be very up front about my faith.  While I don’t ‘preach’ to everyone – I also don’t hide my faith either.

I have done many seemingly simple things to share the love of Jesus with others:  as simple as giving a homeless person a meal, to giving someone a cart at Aldi’s without taking their quarter.  It can be the simplest of things that shows Jesus in you. So don’t think you couldn’t street preach, or because you’re not a ‘Billy Graham’ or whatever – do what you can where you are.  Bloom where you’re planted.  :)

4. How many years have you been married and how important has effective communication been in your marriage?
My husband and I have been married 18 years.  Like most long married couples, we seem to have a communication that goes beyond the need for words.  I know when my husband is thinking on things, without even looking at him – I’ll say ‘What?!’.  He says, I’m thinking.  Yes, I know, I can ‘hear’ you thinking.  What about?.  :)

Another funny communication story, but of my daughter and son-in-law.  I recently went with my daughter Heather to look at a baby bassinet at a local resale shop.  It was a great deal and looked like brand new.  So she bought it.  (she’s due with her second child, my third grandchild in February 2012).

However, the bassinet would not fit in her car, so I put it in the back of my van and would deliver it to them the next day at church.

When she arrived home, her husband asked her what shape it was in.  My daughter was puzzled and said – I showed you a picture, it’s a rectangle!  He looked equally as puzzled – as he meant, what condition was it in.  😛

So words do matter:  ask the right questions, get the right answers. 😉

5. Share with us your greatest blessings and challenges you have had as a parent.
My greatest blessing as a parent is simply having a large family.  It’s not easy training children in today’s world of negative influences; so it does my heart good to repeatedly hear how well behaved my children are.

One such example was my youngest child, wrote a note to her teacher (our 3 youngest attend a small private Christian school) and thanked her for helping her learn to count money.  This was something she struggled with – and once the teacher adjusted her approach in helping my daughter learn – she caught on quickly.  We did not know our daughter had written this note until the night of the school graduation, when in tears, the teacher told my husband about the note and how much it meant to her.

It was a proud parenting moment to know your child will do the good and right thing, even without prompting.  :)

My challenges as a parent are in remaining consistent in my efforts.  I struggle with some health issues, and it’s very easy to get lax in parenting due to my not feeling well or having mental/physical strength to have to address a teachable moment; but I do.  It’s critical and those moments are not always those you can ‘do over’.

6. What is your favorite scripture and share what God is communicating to you personally through it.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.  I live this verse daily; and especially during times in my life of great struggle and life stresses.  Knowing that I am not doing all this alone has brought me immeasurable comfort, hope and strength to keep going when I didn’t think I could.

7. You have a unique ministry/business.  How important is effective communication for you as you go about your daily activities?
Since I deal with technical things all day; and my clients are generally not technical and do not ‘speak geek’ – I have had to learn how to identify what clients want vs. what they say. I need to be able to ‘translate’ what clients want into a viable action plan.  Not always easy. Again, ask the right questions to get the right answers.  😉

I’ve had clients who want a really cool web site, but they don’t really know what they want specifically.  Communication is essential to get the details we need to try and give them what they want.

I’ve had clients who give you only general concepts – then won’t return emails to answer questions we have on a project.  Again, communication is essential to get the job done.

In the end, effective communication, would have saved us both a ton of time and frustration.  I have many skills – mind reading isn’t one of them. 😉

8. What forms of communication do you use in your ministry/business?  Which one is your favorite and why?
Primarily email – as I like the written record ‘paper trail’ of communication.  I also do quite a bit on phone or Skype; but prefer to follow-up with a written synopsis of the conversation to make sure we all understood the bullet points of the call.  Again, it’s creating a written paper trail of communication.

9. What are the challenges in communicating in other ways?
I find communicating by phone or Skype to be good, in that you can quickly – with voice expressions, and get to the point quickly.  However, I find that it’s also easy to forget critical elements of a conversation as the conversation continues and veers off to other topics.

So I prefer email as a primary communication source; or if initial contact is by phone – to follow-up with a written synopsis.

10. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about a misunderstanding you had in the past, what would you tell yourself?
There’s a time to speak, and a time to be silent – use wisdom and discernment to know which apply.

So many times I’ve spoken when I shouldn’t – and remained silent when I shouldn’t.  I clearly remember many times in my youth when I would ‘argue’ my point, as I knew I was right- only to not be heard and to ultimately alienate someone unintentionally.

Whether sharing the gospel with someone; or trying to settle a disagreement – there comes a point when you’ve shared your heart, said your side and now you need to let God do the rest.

Misunderstandings often occur because stubbornness closes the ears and clouds the mind to reason.  Where words are many, sin is not absent (Proverbs 10:19) – so listen more, talk less. 😉

11. How can we learn more about you and your business/ministry?
Business Sites

Personal Blog

12. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with today?
I love music, and my favorite song often is whatever fits the moment for me – as I truly believe God uses songs that glorify him to speak his Word into me when I need it.  I often listen to, and share music via my social media streams, from Grooveshark – which is free.  :)

So I leave you with an appropriate song:  Word of God Speak by MercyMe


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It’s Friday Funnies time so get your giggle here!

epic fail photos - Unbreakable FAIL

see more funnies

Just remember that we often think our friendships are unbreakable and so we don’t always take care when we speak.  Communication skills are vital in all our relationships because you can’t have a relationship with someone without communicating.  And in this complicated world, MORE communication skill is needed now than ever before.


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Interview w/a Communicator: Music Teacher

This week’s Interview with a Communicator is another online friend of mine with a very unique mission.

Cindy is a wife, mom, musician, writer, Christ follower and friend to many. She is also a private music teacher, teaching 25 piano and voice students each week. She has a BA in music from Northwest University and has been involved in ministry and music her whole life. She is passionate about motivating students young and old to be the best they can be .  I’m sure you will be inspired by reading more about her…

1. Please tell us a little about yourself.

I am a very positive person (most of the time) have learned to appreciate my friends and family well.  I love pouring into others and love to embrace and encourage.  I have a quirky sense of humor which can get me into trouble a lot – and I’m a terrible tease.  But most say it is lots of fun and feel inspired to be around my energy and positive take on life.  I’ve been married to the same man for 30 years this September and that’s no easy task!  We have two children – Ashlee is 23 and Shawn 19.  I also have a wonderful son-in-law, Drew who has been a part of our family now for about 3 years.

2. What is a typical day in the life of Cindy Holman?

A typical day would begin with Greg bringing me coffee in bed, where I begin the day with my devotional and looking through some applications on my iPhone to find just the right “quote of the day” for my twitter and facebook status updates.  I then have breakfast with Greg – we are both self-employed and work from home so we can do this every morning.  His office is upstairs and mine is down.  I love having him home – didn’t think I would like it, and although it took a little adjustment – I really love it now.  I use the morning to write and return emails – comment on my many blogs that I follow and prepare music for the afternoon of teaching.  Monday through Thursday this is my pattern.  I have every Friday, Saturday and Sunday off of teaching and do more running around on those days – except for church on Sunday morning.  I love to take walks and listen to music too :)

3. I love hearing people’s testimony! Please share how you came to know the Lord and how important The Great Commission is to a believer.

I accepted the Lord as a small child.  I was four years old and I remember exactly where I was when I asked Jesus into my heart.  I was in my bedroom looking out the window and then went into the kitchen to tell my mother.  I believe that our life should reflect what we believe and that it is the greatest testimony that we posses.  I have always wanted for others to see Jesus in me – whether it was in school, church or in the community.  As a teacher and a friend I believe that being an encourager and a person full of grace and mercy with a lot of love speaks volumes to people – and is much more effective than preaching and teaching.

4. How many years have you been married and how important has effective communication been in your marriage?

Greg and I will be married 30 years this September.  We’ve had to continually grow and be willing to learn during the different seasons of life.  We had a set-back a few years ago and it taught us that we need to be willing to change if we wanted our marriage to continue.  We learned how to communicate: what works and what doesn’t.  I learned not to “stuff” how I was feeling and just “go along” because it’s less work.  It’s taken hours and hours of talking and developing a meaningful way to communicate our deepest feelings that we just took for granted.  For years I don’t think Greg really knew how unhappy I was at some things and felt like he was taking me for granted and even shutting me off emotionally.  After being able to learn some tools of communication and releasing the “fear buttons” when speaking up – it was a very healthy new beginning to us as a couple.  I learned to speak up and be clear – Greg learned to really listen and that was very hard for him – it was very hard, though – because married couples learn the “dance” and do it well – even the unhealthy ones.  To unlearn and relearn is difficult – but in a crisis you have to make a choice – and we did.

5. Share with us your greatest blessings and challenges you have had as a parent.

I think raising teenagers is the biggest challenge that any parent faces.  We went through it with a daughter first, and then a son – four years apart.  They were both unique – girls go through an interesting time in those years and it was a very dark and frustrating time for me.  Our daughter is more like Greg – so he always understood her better than I did.  And I always understood Shawn because he is more like me in personality and disposition.  Releasing them when you’re not sure if they are ready – is another big challenge.  Our daughter moved out when she was 20 and it was the best thing for her and for us.  She grew up a lot when she had to be on her own.  Our son leaves for California in less than a week and I worry that he is not ready and will not be able to handle it – and then I think about how well Ashlee did – and I know he will be fine.

6. What is your favorite scripture and share what God is communicating to you personally through it.

I have always love Proverbs 3:5,6 – it’s been my favorite my whole life.  He is the only one who truly guides and leads our steps – all we have to do is trust.  Such freedom in that – such reassurance.  I like to think I can solve things – and try to understand everything that happens – and then something happens to me that is beyond my understanding.  It is then that this scripture comes back to me “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and He will make your paths straight”  I want my paths to be straight – not crooked or bent with fear and heartache because I tried to stubbornly do it my own way.

7. You have a unique ministry/business.  How important is effective communication for you as you go about your daily activities?

I teach piano and voice lessons in my home.  I am very intentional about email and facebook communication with my students and parents.  I love to chat with my students and parents during the week – when I find a song I think they might be interested in learning – or posting a song from a recital with them in it.  I provide advance notice through written notes, email, facebook or my website for my music studio when I have things I want them to be aware of – such as holidays or weather changes that will prevent the studio being open for business for that day.  Funny thing – even though I teach most holidays – I still have students missing – even though I always give plenty of good communication – I guess it is something that every teacher deals with.

8. What forms of communication do you use in your ministry/business?  Which one is your favorite and why?

I have a facebook fan page for my studio called “Cindy’s Music Studio” and I also have a website/blog where I post many of the schedule things with my studio.  I also use text – email and facebook.  It is frustrating when students and parents don’t have a facebook account because it is where I post most everything including pictures and video.

9. What are the challenges in communicating in other ways?

My only challenge is that people are not all on facebook – or a fan of my music page, so I have to print out a note for those people – or call them to make sure they received something that everybody else did because they saw me post it online.  It’s much more time consuming and frustrating.

10. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about a misunderstanding you had in the past, what would you tell yourself?

I would be careful who I entrusted with my heart felt and personal information.  I would tell myself, “are you sure they are trust worthy? – will they easily run off expose, accuse and then hide instead of protecting my heart if they are miffed about something? – how well do you really know them? – be very careful about trusting before it is earned”

11. How can we learn more about you and your business/ministry?

My blog is my fan page is: and my website/blog is:

12. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave us with today?

I love the quote: “Feed the body food and drink, it will survive today. Feed the soul art and music , it will live forever.”  That says so much – and because music is such a part of me – passing it on is a huge blessing because I know I am helping to develop and feed their soul with this gift.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us, Cindy!  I’m so glad I got to share you with my readers!


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Success Cancelled so Come In; We’re Closed!

It’s time again for Friday Funnies and this week I have a real treat for you.  Two, two, two funnies in one…blog post!

This first one makes me glad I homeschool.  If you live in this high school district, you might want to consider it.

epic fail photos Success Fail
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This last one just tickles my funny bone.  Do they mean they’re leaving the door open while they are gone or is this a cruel joke to get folks to walk into a locked door?  You decide.

epic fail photos - Welcome FAIL
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