Exaggeration Leaves Our Words Powerless

painI touched on this briefly in my post a couple weeks ago, Communication Lessons from Fairy Talesbut here is a more in depth look at this phenomenon.

Words like awesome, fabulous, I’m STARVING, DEAD TIRED… everyone says them, but most don’t truly mean them.  Are we desensitized to them so much now that these words don’t mean anything anymore?

When someone with thyroid disease or fibro says I’m exhausted.  Most think tired.

When someone is truly in pain and says it’s excruciating.  Most think it hurts.

When someone is clinically depressed or has had a death in the family and says depressed, most think sad.

What’s the danger in this?

1. Using inflammatory words too often will give the impression you aren’t truthful, trustworthy or accurate.

2. Society’s overuse of inflammatory and exaggerated words desensitizes us to the needs of those who are truly starving, exhausted or awesome.

3. We miss the opportunities we see each day to uplift someone in need because we assume they are merely, hungry, mildly tired, or simply average.

Think back to how many times you have used the following words: Starving, dead tired, exhausted, overwhelmed, ecstatic, awesome, fabulous, incredible, fantastic, really and VERY.  Did you really mean them or did you mean something less than that?

Now think back to the last time you heard someone else utter them.  Do you even have a clue if THEY meant them?  It’s getting harder to tell these days, isn’t it?

The next time you have a conversation with a friend, be careful to use accurate and descriptive words.  Be careful also to listen for clues to discern when your friend is exaggerating and when he or she is really in need of your support and prayer.  Here’s what to listen for:

1. Intonation

2. Body language

3. Facial expression

4. What you know of their past history and challenges

5. What you know of their personality

So many people are in need of our support.  Don’t miss an opportunity to be that for a friend or acquaintance.  You may be the only person who is really listening.




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New trend in advertising is to sound as if you are cursing but aren’t

There is a new trend in advertising to sound as IF you are cursing, but aren’t actually using those words.  This greatly bothers me.  For example, here is a booking.com commercial.

Here’s another one from Fresh and Easy Market:

They can’t think of a better creative way to market their products without using obvious substitutes for curse words?  This commercial is on during family time.  What is this teaching our children?  Do they think they don’t get it? Shame on them!

Now, I’m not one who says all words that take the place of swear words are bad.  Most of those words don’t bring the image of swear words. They are creative and fun alternatives to saying whoops!  Like oh snap, fiddle sticks, etc.  But this is blatant, obvious and while creative, not very inventive.

What say you?


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Hardest Part About Being a Mom is Keeping Them Alive?!

The hardest part about being a mom is I have to keep a human being alive.”  Seriously?!  Pretty Wicked Moms is a “reality show” on Lifetime that is not to be taken seriously. However, when I saw the preview for this, the mom in me was highly insulted.  And I think all moms should be…all REAL moms I should say.  Not only that, but I felt as if so many moms I run into on the street these days seem to have taken this line to heart.  My thoughts on the matter:

If you think that just keeping your child alive is the hard part, you’re not really a mom. You’re a baby sitter, a care giver, a trained monkey mom, but you aren’t a real mom no matter what reality show you’re in!  Keeping a human being alive is the EASY part!  There’s nothing much to it.  A real mom loves, educates, trains, reprimands, prepares, supports and prays over her child!  A real mom instills values, trains up a child in the way he should go, and tells him about God and how much he is loved by Him.  A real mom is so much more than just someone who makes sure little Johnny is fed and wears the latest baby clothes.  A real mom takes more than that. It takes heart and often blood, sweat and tears.

baby faceThis line of thinking is a dangerous idea to adopt as your children will suffer.  If you think your job is just to keep them alive, you are missing the most important part of motherhood and you are depriving your child of love, nurturing, education, preparation, self esteem, and so much more.

You may be thinking that’s not me, but so many of us moms are so tired and overwhelmed that we forget that we are here to do more than just keep our children safe.  Have you hugged your son today?  Have you taught him, instead of doing it FOR him?  Have you spent time getting to know your teen?  Have you asked your daughter how she feels about things? Have you talked more about your Me Time? Have you posted on Facebook that you can’t wait for school to start so the kids aren’t under foot?

I think we have all fallen for this line of thinking at times.  May God keep us moms on the straight and narrow to be the role model, teacher, and supporter that God expects of us and not a woman who is more concerned with her own needs that she neglects the needs of the precious souls God put in our care.

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to jojo@artofeloquence.com for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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Beware of What Sounds Good

These feel good sayings have become quite popular these days.  While they sound good, many of them just aren’t true-even if they are said by a famous and well-respected celebrity like Dr. Seuss.  Beware that you don’t fall for them, and worse yet, communicate as if they are true.

Take this one for example.  Not everything you feel needs to be said.  Those who matter to you may, indeed, mind how you say them even if they don’t mind what you say.  And those who mind may not matter to you, but they matter to God.

How we say things are often even more important than what we say.  How we communicate with each other is important to God. He cautions us about the use of our mouth, words, lips and tongues all throughout the Bible.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Colossians 4:6

My tip for this week: When you see quotes like these, make sure you read them…carefully before you accept them as truth and act accordingly.

NOTE: Don’t forget to submit your communication questions to jojo@artofeloquence.com for my monthly Ask JoJo section of my blog.  I’ll pick one question per month to answer right here on the blog!  You can ask anything related to communication skills from a tip on how not to be nervous making a speech to what games your kids can play that will help them hone their communication skills and even if your website or blog is clearly written!

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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