There is more pain/loneliness to childhood shyness than most parents understand

Tomorrow is the day, our second webinar, and this one is for parents of shy children!

I’m so excited to be sharing tips for parents on this topic because there is more pain and loneliness to childhood shyness than most parents understand.

These few videos (each only about a minute long) will help parents understand what parents don’t get about shyness in thier children, the secret life of a shy child and what shyness is and that it is something they can easily help their shy child overcome.

What Parents Don’t Understand About Shyness

The Secret Life of a Shy Child

And Your Child Doesn’t Have to Struggle With Shyness

You can stop the pain and allow your child to be extraordinary as God had intended. Check out the webinar today!

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What is shyness?

I wrote this article several years ago, but shyness is such a powerful force in someone’s life, it’s worth repeating.  I’m talking about shyness all month leading up to this month’s webinar on the 28th. If you have a shy child, you need to be there!  Check it out here.

Spirit of Fear
By JoJo Tabares

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

Fear in speaking with others is timidity or what we call shyness.  According to Webster’s dictionary, shyness means “sensitive and hesitant in dealing with others”.  This is not the spirit of power that should be present inside the Christian for we know that with the Lord all things are possible and, if the Lord is for us, who can be against us?

Research shows that 87% of what we do all day is communication related.  Maybe that is why the Bible speaks about communication skills hundreds of times.  The Father gives each of us a mission in life and something to say that someone needs to hear.  He also tells us to go out and share the Good News.  God doesn’t say this lightly knowing that some are born with confidence and some are born with shyness!  He tells us this because He has put within each one of us the tools needed to stand up and share with His children each in our own way.

Many people mistakenly think that shyness is a character trait or a personality flaw.  It is not.  For the most part, it is the result of not being comfortable or experienced with certain aspects of communication for some period of time.  The longer a person has experienced himself as shy, the stronger its hold over him.  Communication is actually a set of skills that can be learned and must be practiced to reach mastery.  Anyone and everyone can learn them.  Not everyone will have the same aptitude, but all can learn to be comfortable and confident enough in order to complete the work the Lord has given them in their life!

The challenge is to find the appropriate key to unlock and let go of the shyness within.  I liken learning communication skills to swimming because the analogy is fairly accurate.  When teaching a young child to swim, a common technique is to throw them into the ocean or pool.  The child is supposed to use instincts to get to the other side as they are carefully watched over by their parent.  The idea is that when they get to the other side, they realize that they didn’t drown and actually accomplished the goal.  Unfortunately, that method works only about half the time!  The other half of the time it goes like this:  The child is petrified!  They are thrown into the water and panic sets in.  Instinctively they thrash about and somehow make it to the other side.  Instead of feeling relieved and excited that they accomplished their goal of swimming, they are now terrified of water and they vow never to do that again!

So it is with speech classes.  Some children run into my classes, sit in the front row and can’t wait to get up to speak!  The other half are kicked in by their parents, stand at the entrance wide-eyed resembling a deer in the headlights and sit down after some coaxing on my part.  What happens inside that first speech class is critical!  Will they feel comfortable enough to take more steps along the road to effective communication skills or will they grit their teeth and bear it making a solemn vow before God to avoid any further speaking opportunities that might come along?

The idea isn’t to get them through a speech class.  The goal is to create a more confident and powerful speaker who will have the spirit of power in the Lord!  To that end, I teach with humor.  It disarms the fear allowing them to forget that they expected it to be hard and scary.  I don’t throw them in the water.  Instead, I have them stick their big toe in, giving them a chance to acclimate their body to the water’s temperature.  This allows them to take baby steps further in the ocean we call communication.

Where did I get my training for this?  Some might think it was at California State University, Northridge where I got my degree in Speech Communication, but they would be wrong.  It was from a little girl who was terrified to speak- not only in public, but one on one.  It was that little girl who grew up lonely and afraid of so many things.  It was that painfully shy girl who missed out on so much.  She taught me a lot about what shy children need.  Many of my students thank me for the training she provided.  Her name?  JoJo.

JoJo Tabares holds a degree in Speech Communication, but it is her humorous approach to communication skills which has made her a highly sought-after Christian speaker and writer.  Her articles appear in homeschool publications, such as Homeschool Enrichment Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which also endorses her Say What You Mean curricula.  You can also find JoJo on web sites such as and  For more information on communication FUNdamentals and Christian-based communication skills for the whole family, please visit


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Women’s Business Webinar Tomorrow

You are losing customers daily…

because you are probably making the 15 Deadly Mistakes Women Make in Business!

Your customers will never tell you why they didn’t buy from you or why they didn’t come back to your site…but I will!

This webinar is like nothing you’ve seen!  You’ll get no fluff here. You’ll receive one hour packed with information from a proven expert that will transform your business.  Reserve your spot now and get my eBook, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business FREE!

Plus at the end of the webinar you will have access to the slide show with all of my notes so you won’t miss a thing.

For only a few dollars more than the cost of the eBook alone, you’ll get all three, but hurry. We will only be holding this webinar once, don’t be left out!

Click here to secure your spot now!

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Three Common Mistakes Women Make in Business

If you read my recent blog post called, “Would You Spend $997 for An Unexplained Product?” a few weeks ago, you know what sparked my excitement about bringing you this new series of webinars!  In a nutshell, most webinars spend 45 minutes telling you why the host is so great and only 15 minutes telling you what you came to hear.  My free seminars were never like that.  They were packed with information, but these new webinars are going to be even better.  Our new webinars are going to be simply INCREDIBLE!

Packed with solid information that will help you and your family communicate more effectively in business, in leadership positions and in your personal life, these webinars are going to have some exciting new features.

The old seminars were audio only and limited to 20 or 30 minutes. These new webinars will be 60 minutes and will also include a slide show presentation you will be able to download and keep for reference.  This first webinar will be given at an introductory rate and will include a free copy of my eBook, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business– a $19.95 value!

This month’s topic is 15 Common Mistakes Women Make in Business.  I’m going to share just a tidbit of a preview for you here on the blog today, but our newsletter subscribers will get an exclusive preview of the webinar so make sure you are subscribed before tomorrow!  The details are on the bottom of this blog post.

Women tend to have a more difficult time communicating that they are serious business owners and, instead, project an image that their business is more of a hobby.  Some of that has to do with society’s view of women and their role in the workforce and some of it is the way in which we are taught to communicate.

Men are taught to be aggressive while women are taught to be nurturing.  The difference in what we communicate can be incredible.  It can be the difference between being profitable and wasting our precious time.  Here are three tips that will help women entrepreneurs become more effective business owners.

1. Seek out leadership opportunities in your community or online.
Women tend to socialize well, but they don’t tend to network very well.  The skills are similar, but networking is like socializing with a purpose.  It’s that purpose that women tend to shy away from so they socialize up until the point where they are comfortable talking about their business and asking for leadership opportunities.

2. Be assertive.
That brings us to being assertive.  While being aggressive isn’t a good thing, no business owner, female or otherwise, will get very far if they are not assertive.  As we discussed in the first tip, women need to take the opportunities that present themselves in order to communicate that they are a leader in their field.

3. Remember that this is business not a hobby.
Too many women entrepreneurs tend to introduce themselves as a wife and mother…oh and I do scrap booking on the side.  That screams HOBBY!  Would you even consider seeing a physician who introduced himself as a husband and father and oh he does brain surgery on the side?  Speak about your business like it’s a business not as if it’s a hobby.

For more information on exactly how to apply these three (plus one more) of the fifteen mistakes  I’ll be teaching during the webinar, make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter before tomorrow!  I’ll be sharing details about four of the fifteen tips from the upcoming webinar…but ONLY with my newsletter subscribers so make sure you are a subscriber before Tuesday.  Also I’ll be sharing the link to the page where you can read more about the webinar and sign up to attend.

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All NEW Art of Eloquence Newsletter Features!

We’ve been busy here at Art of Eloquence making changes in order to bring you even more incredible reasources. If you haven’t been to the home page in a while, check out the changes there!  But what I wanted to share with you today was this…
So I was sitting at my desk yesterday morning before church reading the Bible and contemplating what else I could do for my readers, subscribers and fans when the Lord put some incredible ideas into my head.  They came one at a time to allow me to process the information and write it down.  Isn’t God amazing that way?  Here’s a short little blog post just to introduce them to you.
Brand NEW Features:
* JoJo’s Monthly Articles: Includes tips she only shares with her subscribers!  (Okay, this one is not new and will continue!)
* Family Time w/JoJo: Game, activity, recipe, field trip idea, story or critical thinking prompt providing great family time giving you something to do together that builds effective communication that strengthens your relationships.
* JoJo’s Challenge: Monthly communication challenge that helps you and your family learn to be more effective communicators and to speak in boldness tempered by grace.
* Lessons from the Media: JoJo analyzes various movies, TV shows and commercials that hold a special communication lesson for you and your family.
* Plusfree gifts, exclusive offers and much more!
So now, if you thought you didn’t have enough reasons to subscribe to the Art of Eloquence newsletter, you certainly do now!
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Would you spend $997 for an unexplained product?

As you can see by the categories I’ve selected, this post covers a lot of ground, but it’s nothing if not a Friday Funny.  You may have noticed that, the more I get my dander up, the more sarcastic I get and nothing does it as well as a Communication Pet Peeve! Here’s what happened.

My dh gets a bunch of emails from various Marketing Gurus each day.  Every so often they invite him to a free seminar where they give away a small amount of free information about marketing your business and then ask you to spend anywhere from $374 to $1997 for thier eBook, software product or consulting services.

We’ve been to so many of these the formula is obvious. It begins with 15 minutes of the host telling you why the speaker guru is so great, followed by 15 minutes of the Speaker Guru telling you how wonderful his life now as compared when he was a homeless, wifeless convenience store operator.  The next 15 minutes is where you pay attention because this is where the Speaker Guru tells you about his eBook, software or consulting services designed to make you drool.  The final 15 minutes is devoted to the “pitch.”  This is where they tell you the product is really worth $900 bagillion, but today ONLY, you can get it for a pittance ($374-$1997), but you have to act now because they will only sell (insert smallish number here) total at that incredibly low price!

By the way, the entire seminar is done in sketchy video or with a professional looking slide show screen where the slides consist of a white screen and the EXACT words being spoken by the Speaker Guru.  Sometimes you’re in for a treat as they do show you the product or pictures of insanely happy people who are now so rich they could buy Brazil with their pocket change.  Normally, the Speaker Guru does an atrocious job of speaking, stammers over his words and can’t spell the words on his slide show.

So last week we settled in for what we thought would be a predictable pitch as we awaited any tidbits of info that might be helpful and to determine if his product might be something worth our time only to find a goldmine of humor and an idea that will help YOU become better communicators!

The hour seminar was EXACTLY on schedule except for a few rather obvious attempts to mask the schedule executed by very poor actors.  The seminar began exactly on the hour with the host telling us that the Speaker Guru was so incredibly busy he had a last minute consulting call he had to attend so the host proceeded to take this opportunity to tell us how wonderful the Speaker Guru is.  In between he “let it slip” that there were 1000 people on the call and over 6000 waiting for one of us to get disconnected so we better close down all other computer programs in order to avoid that terrible tragedy.

At exactly 15 minutes in, the Speaker Guru, suddenly got free and began to tell us how benevolent he is to be sharing this info with us and how far he’d come in life due to this incredible system.  At exactly 30 minutes past the hour, the Speaker Guru asked for a “volunteer” from the audience that wouldn’t mind making a bunch of money for nothing tonight.   The slide show turned from the title that had been on the screen for 15 minutes to a “live picture of his brand new ClickBank account” that, after exactly 15 minutes had been refreshed to reveal that he had made $647.16!  Amazing, huh?

At exactly 45 minutes into the seminar we learned how much he wanted for this software, but what we didn’t know is this:

1. What did it do exactly?

2. What did the “volunteer” from the studio audience actually sell to make $647.16?

3. Why would selling to more than 20 people (at $997 each) dilute the system for everyone and end the world as we know it?

4. If there really were 18 people who purchased this software before the seminar ended at exactly on the next hour…

Needless to say we didn’t fork over $997 for something we didn’t understand.  Would you?  But it did spark a new passion inside me to provide even more in depth information to my customers during my seminars.  I’ll be announcing my new seminars very soon, but be assured that they will NOT follow this tired model.  I think this seminar spent about three minutes telling us about the software and what it could do for his customers and about 57 minutes telling us how wonderful, generous, caring and rich he was!  Actually, I think I will follow this model.  I’m going to spend no more than three minutes giving a bit of background to the topic and 57 minutes sharing in-depth, valuable tips for solving that particular communication issue for my customers.

Have you ever been to one of these marketing guru seminars?  What was your experience?

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JoJoisms for Moms

Happy Mother’s Day from Art of Eloquence!

Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter before tomorrow or you won’t receive our special Mother’s Day gift including some of my Visual JoJoisms, scirptures for moms and some iron ons to make special t-Shirts for Mother’s Day gifts!

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It’s Dr. Seuss Week

Dr. Seuss’ birthday is this Friday.  He would have been 108 years old.  As many of us did, I grew up with Dr. Seuss books and so did my children.  They were a fun way for kids to want to learn to read.  They had two of the things kids love most: rhyme and nonsense.  Silly words with silly pictures, odd situations and strange creatures enticed us all.

This week on the Art of Eloquence Communication FUNdamental’s blog, we will be celebrating silliness and creative play that fosters better education (specifically communication) and remembering Dr. Seuss.

Part of the reason Dr. Seuss was so effective was because he included humor and creative play into the learning process, an idea Art of Eloquence incorporates into its communication studies.  Almost all of my articles use humor.  Some share how humor is important to communication.  One article shares how to use creative play to teach communication skills.  Check them out and have some fun learning the Communication FUNdamentals of the Art of Eloquence!

Join us on Facebook for even more Communication FUNdamentals throughout the week!

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#1 New Year’s Resolution Requires Effective Communication Skills!

Number ONE New Year’s Resolution: Spend More Time with Family & Friends

Recent polls conducted by General Nutrition Centers, Quicken, and others show that “more than 50% of Americans vow to appreciate loved ones and spend more time with family and friends this year.”  What’s the one skill we all need if we are going to spend more time with our friends and relatives?  It’s the very same skill needed to improve relationships: Communication!  Why?  Because you cannot even have a relationship with someone unless you communicate with them in some way.  As I wrote about in a recent article, relationships are all about communication and the potential for misunderstanding and misinterpretation leave a relationship vulnerable.

This year, resolve to learn to become a more effective communicator!  Don’t wait until you and a loved one have a conflict that ruins your relationship.  Hurt feelings can be overcome, but sometimes it goes beyond hurt feelings and the relationship may not be easily repaired.

Relationships with friends and family are too precious to leave up to chance.  Prepare now to be an effective communicator in 2012 and give your relationships the strength that nothing else can!  Check out all the free lessons, articles and information on and don’t forget to sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter for your free gift, Communication Activities: Finding Time to Talk to Your Children in a Busy World! 

Much success in 2012!  Let us know how Art of Eloquence can help!

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What I learned talking to my computer

Gundar, our personal Technology Gremlin, has been instrumental in successfully keeping me from communicating effectively with my computer.  I’ve tried reasoning with it, yelling at it and threatening it with bodily harm.   I even tried sweet-talking it, but here’s what I’ve learned so far about communcating with your computer:

1. Doing one successful thing one time doesn’t mean it will work the next time.

2. Doing one thing succesfully one thousand successive times doesn’t mean it will work the next time.

3. Software MUST be kept up to date.

4.  Beware of software updates!

5. Not updating your software is BAD.

6. Updating your software may be WORSE.

6. If you configure things correctly, don’t assume it will WORK correctly.

7. If you configure things incorrectly and they work, don’t assume it will stay that way.

8. If you configure things correctly once, don’t assume you will do so again by configuring EXACTLY the same way!

9. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

10. If it is broke, you should have fixed it!

11. If it is broke and you already fixed it, fix it again.

12. If it is broke and you fix it again, nothing will change!

13. If it is broke and you fix it and nothing changed, something will change later after you forgot what it was you did to fix it again in the first place…or was that the second place?

Join me on Friday when I’ll be sharing from the English/Techanese handbook!

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