Q of the Wk: What's your miracle?

How it works:
Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on…

This week’s question:

What’s your miracle?  What amazing thing has the Lord done in your life?

JoJo’s Answer:

I sometimes wonder how God has time for anyone else when He is so busy in my life!  Ever feel that way?  I have had some amazing miracles and some things I guess you could classify as a minor miracle or things a secular person may refer to as a lucky coincidence.

Once my dh and I drove our family five hours out to visit my folks with the brakes squeaking.  We were told that we could just have them fixed when we got home.  On the (something like 9 hour) trip home (Thank you, LA traffic!) they began screaming for attention.  It was very late at night.  We pulled in to the driveway and had to coast into the garage because we suddenly had …NO BRAKES at all!

Other more significant miracles include my dd’s total healing from a virus that caused her left ventricle to enlarge and my son’s miracle birth after problems with my pregnancy similar to when I had lost my previous child.  You can hear about that by clicking this link to my miracles story show on Grace Talk Soup where I also share how God let me know he would live!

Tell us about your miracle!
Post your answers on your blog and come back here and put your link in so we can read it!  If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers here.

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Question of the WK: How do you say ORANGE?

How it works:
Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on…

This week’s question:
Ok this week’s not as thought provoking but it is FUN!  How do you say ORANGE?  Would an AHRENJ by any other name taste as sweet?

JoJo’s Answer:

Until a few months ago, my kids were raised in Southern California where everyone pronounces it “or’-rinj”.  They poke fun at me because I was raised in New York where they pronounce it “ah’-renj”.  My 9 y/o son is convinced that, if you say it differently than he does, you’re just plain …WRONG! lol

It got me thinking about accents and how the same word can be pronounced differently in different parts of the country.  I posed the question to the folks in my Yahoo group, Homeschooling with Humor, and received various other responses.

Apparently Ohio folks say “or’-inj” while those from Jersey say “arrr’-inj” and  Texans say”or’-unj”.  New Englander’s say it as one syllable, “ornj”.  Then there’s my dad (who is from NY) and says orange juice like this, “ah’-ren-juice” with no break between the orange and the juice.

How do you say ORANGE and where are you from?
Post your answers on your blog and come back here and put your link in so we can read it!  If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers here.

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Q of the Wk: What's your most treasured childhood memory?

Question of the Week

This is a new segment for my blog and I ask you to help me out by adding your comments and posting them on your blog as well.  I have been doing a “Question of the Week” on my homeschool Yahoo group for a few years now.  It’s been a fun way to discuss issues and share ideas as well as get to know each other better.

How it Works:
Each Monday I’ll ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  Should be a lot of fun!

This week’s question:

Memories are powerful things.  They can bring back warm feelings or trigger powerful negative emotions.  Usually memories of childhood are precious warm and familiar.  What’s your most treasured childhood memory?

JoJo’s Answer:

I have so many wonderfully fond memories of childhood when life was simpler and responsibility was for adults.  I remember waking up to smell of my mom’s lox, eggs and onions for breakfast on the weekends.  I remember the trips to buy school supplies and long summer nights where we felt safe to stay out until long past dark.  I remember the excitement of moving to a new house when my dad got a new job promotion.  I can still remember how it felt to move into that  brand new model home on the hill in Virginia and how proud I was of my dad who had a huge corner skyscraper office in DC.  I remember how we got to watch the Bicentennial laser fireworks show from his balcony.

What’s your most treasured childhood memory?
Post your answers on your blog and come back here and put your link in so we can read it!  If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers here.

From JoJo’s Purple Crayon
Learning Speech Communication Skills
can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!

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Question of the Week: What's Your Mission?

Question of the Week

This is a new segment for my blog and I ask you to help me out by adding your comments and posting them on your blog as well.  I have been doing a “Question of the Week” on my homeschool Yahoo group for a few years now.  It’s been a fun way to discuss issues and share ideas as well as get to know each other better.

How it Works:
Each Monday I’ll ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  Should be a lot of fun!

This week’s question:

The Lord has given each of us different talents and experiences.  He uses them to His Glory.  What’s your mission?

JoJo’s Answer:
I have had a fascination with way people communicate since I was a young child in public school.  I moved around a great deal, but everywhere I went, there were two kinds of kids in the class: the popular kids who always came off smelling like a rose and the unpopular kids who never quite seemed to do anything that would smell nearly as sweet.  A rose by any other name?  Hmmmm…

It wasn’t the idea that was good in those days, it was the person who suggested it.  It wasn’t the clothes worn, it was the person who wore them.  But more than that, it was the way in which that person carried himself.

Why was it that the popular kid would wear torn jeans and be thought cool when the “geek” was teased about being poor?  It was his attitude, his communication of who he is.  That started a lifelong study of communication skills in human behavior.  What did I discover?

* Communication plays a large part in just about everything we do.
* The more effective you are in communicating, the more successful you are in life.
* Communication skills are mentioned HUNDREDS of times in the Bible.
* Communication skills are the most important part of The Great Commission.
* Communication skills cannot be mastered by taking one speech course.
* Each communication skill requires different techniques to master: speech is not all of communication.
* Social communication touches all areas of life, not just making friends.
* Communication skills are a core subject even more important than math, science and history.
* Employers are looking for those with good communication skills because it is something they can’t fit in the two week training.
* Lack of effective communication is the reason cited most often as the cause for the break up of marriage!
* You may be able to get through your entire life without having to make a speech, but you will not get through 24 hours without communicating something to SOMEBODY!

Even today, this is a fairly new concept that most people don’t fully understand.  It is my mission to share these facts with the Christian community so that they may be more effective in the missions God has for THEM!

What’s your mission?
Post your answers on your blog and come back here and put your link in so we can read it!  If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers here.

From JoJo’s Purple Crayon
Learning Speech Communication Skills
can ALSO be fun with Art of Eloquence!

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