It’s a Blog Contest!

We haven’t done one of these in a long time, but they are such fun!  Introducing the…

Art of Eloquence SIMPLE Blog Contest!

I’ve been hearing a great deal of grumbling about some of the latest trends in contests–contests so incredibly complex that people don’t have any idea what they are supposed to do.  I’ve heard about contests so time intensive that the prize just isn’t worth it: Counting points, making videos. writing essays…  Well, welcome to the Art of Eloquence SIMPLE Blog Contest!  Here’s the deal:

We’re running this contest to create awareness for our newly redesigned newsletter  and we’ve added two new gifts just for subscribing!  Click this link to read Seven Reasons to Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter.

The winner will be chosen at random from among all the entries and will win THEIR CHOICE of ANY Art of Eloquence study

1. Subscribe to our newsletter (make sure you confirm as it’s double opt in!)

2. Come back to this post and leave us a a very short comment about our newseltter or any of the free gifts.

That’s it!

If you’re already subscribed…
Then just post a very short comment here telling us what you like about the newsletter or any of the free gifts we’ve given away.  (We may use your comment in our marketing.)

The winner will be chosen at random from among the comment entries left on THIS blog post.

Deadline to enter is Sunday, April 22, 2012 at midnight PST.

* Please share this blog post and help us get the word out about the contest.  The more the merrier.  In fact, if we get enough entries, we may be persuaded to choose more than one winner! 

If you liked this post, read…Seven Reasons Why YOU Should Sign Up for the Art of Eloquence Newsletter!

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  1. You’re not kidding that’s easy! I’ve seen so many where you have to do ten gazillion things to get your name in a drawing! Come on, folks. . . subscribe and win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Where’s that Staples easy button? LOL)

  2. I am a current subscriber! I LOVE getting your newsletters. They are jam packed with great info on how to clearly communicate. The Lord has given you a wonderful gift, JoJo and I’m thankful that you share it with all of us.

  3. I have been a subscriber for awhile now. I like the newsletters because they are succinct, often humorous (who doesn’t need some more humor in their lives?) and pertinent. I like that they are Christian in viewpoint.

  4. JoJo, I can’t believe I wasn’t subscribed to your newsletter! I thought I was. I guess I have been keeping in touch via Facebook so I didn’t realize I wasn’t receiving your other valuable resource. Okay, the problem has been corrected. Thanks for all you do!

  5. I have loved all of your valuable information. I was not aware you had a newsletter either. Love all the wisdom you share about communication!! It is so vital!! Also love your love for purple!!

  6. Hey, JoJo! Love your blog and I would love to win too! Somehow, I haven’t been subscribed to your newsletter! Ahhhh!!!! The Shameeee!!! No worries, I am now holding my head high—I am a proud subscriber to your newsletter!!! LOVE IT—and YOU tooo!!!! :-)

  7. I already subscribe to your newsletters and I love getting them. They contain great information on communication.

  8. I hadn’t realized you had a newsletter. I’m looking forward to recieving it…and crossing my fingers in the contest. Thanks, JoJo.

  9. Art of Eloquence says:

    Congratulations to Judy, our first 2012 blog contest winner! Please email with your choice of Art of Eloquence study!