There is a new trend in advertising to sound as IF you are cursing, but aren’t actually using those words. This greatly bothers me. For example, here is a commercial.
Here’s another one from Fresh and Easy Market:
They can’t think of a better creative way to market their products without using obvious substitutes for curse words? This commercial is on during family time. What is this teaching our children? Do they think they don’t get it? Shame on them!
Now, I’m not one who says all words that take the place of swear words are bad. Most of those words don’t bring the image of swear words. They are creative and fun alternatives to saying whoops! Like oh snap, fiddle sticks, etc. But this is blatant, obvious and while creative, not very inventive.
What say you?
The videos wouldn’t play here, but I found them on You Tube. I think they’re doing it because, sadly, that’s the speech you hear day to day. Most Christians don’t talk like that, but the world does. And I strongly doubt they’re worried about offending anybody; all they’re worried is about their bottom line. $$$ The second didn’t bother me as much as the first one did, for some reason.
I think the money is the bottom line and the shock value works for them.