Birthday Bash: 6pm-Ancient Paths Christian Bookstore

Sue Pruett from Ancient Paths Christian Bookstore will be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest:

In this set of 5 audios, you will hear everything from an overview of the method, to the nitty gritty how-to’s for subjects you want to cover. Sit with Sue as she lays out all the parts of a Charlotte Mason style education, and tells you how you can achieve a rich, powerful, exciting, and less stressful home and school for you and your children. These sessions were recorded in front of a live audience and include some question and answer times as well. You can get your children snuggled up with a great audio drama, or a great movie, or a great game – then retreat into your own room for your own time of refreshing. You can listen at your own pace, and then keep on hand to refer to it again and again – the audios never expire! A Charlotte Mason education is always up to date!”

To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question:  Name two of your favorite Art of Eloquence audios or videos posted on our website!  There are several audios and videos throughout the website, the more you can name the better your chances to win this prize.

We’ll be picking a winner from among the correct answers and contacting you via email so make sure you leave your email address on your comment post.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for another chance to win a Birthday Bash prize from Art of Eloquence!  And you might want to subscribe to the blog RSS feed so you don’t miss a contest today!

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.)

Congratulations to our winner: Yavonn!

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  1. Orilla Crider says:

    The Homeschooler Next Door with Mary Jo Tate and Integrated Woman Interview with LaTara Ham Ying

  2. JoJo, Please do not show this one; I would like to know, though the answer to what I share in it: (am confused, dearie! ha ha! laughing at myself)
    (( okay, here goes )) I must admit, I clicked on the link to your “website” to look for the audios and videos you offer, but could not find them by name. I went onto at least 6 different pages on the site, and still did not see any audios listed, except one message that looked like it was a ‘talkshoe’ recording of a message you shared. The others I saw looked like e-books. I did not click on every ‘linked word or phrase’ I saw on your site, though.
    Am I missing them, still? I even did a ‘search’ using the word “audios,” and it only sent me back to this particular post which is part of your Nov. 1 … birthday bash.
    … I know. I know. It must be my age. ;o)

    — am confused, but … this is written with Love to you,
    Kathy A. in TN :o) Shalom!

  3. Kathy – I saw your post.

    I’m so sorry! Here’s the link to the set:

    And here’s the link to see the descriptions of the individual audios that are included in the set:

    Each one is listed twice – as an mp3 download, and a CD. They are the same audios.

    I hope this helps!

  4. Your “Painfully Shy” video on the home page
    The homeschooling Buzz interview with Gerals Mckoy
    Your talk on why we should begin communications with PreK students
    Your talk on why it is important to make sure Elementary know communication skills
    Your talk to adults on why they should study communication skills

  5. welcome/shyness video
    Birthday Bash (from Communication Lessons from 5 year olds-Part 3 in blog)
    Lollipop, puppy (blog)
    preschooler communication
    elementary communication
    adults, why you should teach
    seminars, workshops & interviews:
    Homeschooling Buzz Interview with Gerald McKoy
    Integrated Woman Interview with LaTara Ham Ying
    The Homeschooler Next Door with Mary Jo Tate

  6. You share an audio of an interview with Barbara Frank about the need for effective communications skills in the 21st century.
    You share a video about the importance of communication in business & in relationships, & how God’s Word shares many verses on how we should communicate.
    You share a video about the important of teaching children at the elementary level about developing good communications skills & why.
    On your “Speech & Debate” webpage, you share an audio “Communication FUNdamental” by Mona Tone. (very good! “we” [my children] are learning to do better while “we” read aloud)
    You share a video message about how to use the ‘pre-school years’ with your child to build relationships through good communcation learned through some “fun” activities.

  7. I’m really enjoying your interview with The Homeschooler Next Door with Jube Dankworth.

  8. Now I’m listening to your talkshoe with Barbara Frank.
    The Mona Tone audio is funny.

  9. Language Arts – Naturally, the Charlotte Mason Way
    Teaching your child with living books Charlotte Mason
    The homeschooling Buzz interview with Gerals Mckoy