Birthday Bash-Nov. 1st

Art of Eloquence will be TEN years old on November 1st! Mark your calendars so you don’t miss it because YOU get all the free gifts!  You can even win prizes! Here’s how:

We’ll be celebrating from 11am to 1pm PST, Thursday, November 1st both on our blog and our Facebook fan page.  (That’s 11am PST/ 12pm MST/ 1pm CST and 2pm EST) 


Join us on our blog for a chance to win prizes! 

You’ll want to subscribe to our RSS feed so you don’t miss a post. Each post that day will announce a new contest you can enter!  Just post your answer as a comment on that blog post and make sure you list your email address so we can contact you if you are our winner! Winners will be chosen from among all the correct entries.  Scroll down for a list of all the prizes you could win!


Join us on our Facebook fan page for all the festivities and free gifts! 

Since communication affects ALL aspects of our life, our carefully selected sponsors will be posting on our fan page during the two hour Birthday Bash party with some tips, free gifts and information for you on all areas of  life from spiritual life to business, from our writing to our reading, from our entertainment and humor to cooking and personal care and even our homeschool.

Mark your calendar: 11am to 1pm PST during the Birthday Bash on November 1st so make sure you have “Liked” us on Facebook so you can attend and get even more free gifts and information!


Free Birthday Bash Gifts!

Sign up for our newsletter and receive a free copy of our brand new eBook, Communication Activities: Finding Time to Talk to Your Children in a Busy World!  Quality time is a myth and quantity time is hard to come by in this busy life, but there are many ways our families can find the time to really communicate, share, support and uplift one another, if we do a little planning.  This eBook will help you do just that by suggesting various activities, games and inexpensive trips or outings you can take with your children/spouse.  It also gives you suggestions to direct the conversation to deeper understanding and stronger relationships.


Two more Free Gifts available!

 Download our 3rd JoJoisms edition,  The 3rd Book of JoJoisms: Technology. Created especially for our Birthday Bash visitors and Includes: JoJoisms, Visual JoJoisms, several of JoJo’s articles and more!

Download your free copy of the 3rd Book of JoJoisms here!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)



Download our 2013 Calendar made exclusively for Art of Eloquence by Visual Psalms!  Keep track of your new year with this caledar of beautiful pictures and a special Bible quote picked just for you!

Download your free 2013 calendar here!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)



PLUS: On the day of the Birthday Bash, November 1st,  Art of Eloquence will have a HUGE announcement!


During the Birthday Bash, each of our sponsors will be posting on our fan page providing various free tips, ideas, links and great info about several areas of life along with other free gifts and telling you about the gifts they are giving away during our contest. 

Here is a list of our gracious sponsors and what they are giving away to our blog contest winners.  Our 10th Anniversary Blog Contest will begin on Monday, October 29th and end on Friday, November 2nd. Winners will be chosen over the weekend and announced by Monday, November 5th.


This Year’s Sponsors and what they will be giving away for the contests:

(Contest links will be available October 29th when the contests begin!  Contests will run until November 2nd.  Winners will be notified via email by November 3rd.)


From Art of Eloquence:

7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness Webinar   ($20 Value)

This is the most popular of our brand new webinar topics this year!  So popular, it’s the only webinar that was held over a second month!  You will receive our video recording of this incredible webinar and here’s what you will learn:

1. Seventeen things parents should do to help their child overcome shyness
2. Seven things parent’s shouldn’t do because it either doesn’t work or reinforces their child’s shyness
3. Seven ways parents can help their children change their thinking about shyness
4. Six things parents can do to change their child’s shy behavior
5. Seven things parents can do to change their child’s shy vocabulary
6. Eight things parents can teach their shy child to say that will help them overcome shyness
7. Seven things parents can teach their shy child to do that will help them practice the skills necessary to overcome their shyness

(TEN winners will be chosen!) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our 10 winners:

Terri Duncan, Heather, Carla, Rachael, Ambre, Rebecca K, Robin, Joan, Cheryl Hosmer,  and Ashley!


From Beth Greer of Life and Godliness

My Soul Sings CD  ($15 value)

A praise and worship cd with these songs:

Mighty to Save, Open the Eyes of My Heart, Come, Now is the Time to Worship, Come Thou Fount, He is Exalted/I Exalt Thee, Oh, the Glory of Your, Presence, How Great is Our God, There is Power, All in  All, Jesus Messiah, As the Deer, and The Greatest Thing.

(One winner will be chosen) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our winner: Heather E.!


From Lisa Buffaloe

  Nadia’s Hope and Prodigal Nights, Two Christian novels by Lisa Buffaloe.

Nadia’s Hope: Nadia Minsky fled Israel to escape her past, but she can’t outrun her nightmares. The throbbing scars along her hip and stomach are cruel reminders of shattered dreams. Even though surgeons mended her body, her spirit still bleeds. Friends claim only God can heal her. For Nadia, trusting a God who allowed her to suffer is inconceivable. Can close friends, a wild roommate, and a handsome medical student help Nadia learn to trust? Or will her past forever cripple her future?   

Prodigal Nights: After a nasty divorce, Bethany Davis returned to college and lived up to the low standards set by gossips. Her dad’s stroke has now brought her home, and Bethany finds herself in a dilemma—how can she get beyond her past, learn to trust again, and live a “good” life?

(Two winners will be chosen, one for each book) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our  two winners: Sonda and Bobbi!


From WriteShop

WriteShop Level 1 Fold-N-Go® Grammar Pack ($19.95 value) – International winners will receive the e-book version ($11.95 value)

Hands-on introduction to grammar rules and essential writing skills. Make 10 colorful, lapbook-style folders, each devoted to a different skill such as Punctuation, Self-Editing, Nouns, and References and watch grammar become your child’s favorite subject! Ages 8-11.

(Two winners will be chosen) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our two winners: Ambre and Rebecca K.!



Mitsy Lou’s Encouragin’ Word For Everyday Livin’ created especially for our Birthday Bash guests!

A collection of short messages to lift your spirit created by Janet Harllee, an internationally-known storyteller, character actress, speaker, writer, and songwriter!  Here keynote topics include: “Sink or Swim-Survival Tips for the Christian Faith”; “A Makeover With Tha’ Maker.”

Mitsy Lou Puppernickel is Janet Harlee’s creative character, a southern hairdresser, from Frog Holler. She performs humor, story, & song at conferences, women’s events, churches, businesses…

(One winner will be chosen) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our winner: Dawn!



Back to Basics: Cooking Traditional Foods ($43.99 value)

Do you like the concept of traditional foods, but you’re not sure how to pull it together into a workable menu plan? Need to learn techniques to cook from scratch? Not sure where to start with incorporating traditional foods into your everyday life? This series is for you! Once you master these lessons, you can make a wide variety of meals. Your family will never realize you are using the same basic techniques, again and again, to turn out a wide selection of dishes.

Our Back to Basics Series is a 30-week long, 322-page book to teach you how to incorporate traditional foods techniques into your life, a little at the time.

(One winner will be chosen) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our winner: Ashley!


From: Five in a Row

All FOUR seasons of the Five in a Row Digital Nature Studies!  ($64 value)

In each of Jane Lambert’s nature study guides you’ll find fifty or more pages of inspiring ideas for discovering more about the remarkable world in which we live, season by season. These books include nature walk tips, poems, great resource books, and journaling pages of all kinds and for all ages, expressly for each season.

Richly illustrated and full of easily accessible ideas, you’ll be delighted with this valuable new resource and you will feel as though Jane herself is joining you and your children on a nature adventure! 

(One winner will be chosen) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our winner: Jalynn Patterson!


From: Nichole Pancheri, It Is Well Soap

Lotion bar, deodorant, soaps and lip balm package from It Is Well Soap  (value $35.75)

Do you have any skin issues: dry, cracked, burning, rashes? These issues are what started our venture into all natural home made personal care products.  Since we have been using them, we haven’t had any more skin issues at all!

This package includes a lotion bar and our aluminum free deodorant (you can choose the scent), 2 bars of soap (lavender and dad’s signature blend) and 3 lip balms (vanilla, peppermint and sweet orange). For more detailed listings of ingredients, please visit our website at 

All of our products are made with high quality oils.  We only use ingredients that are all natural and beneficial to your skin.  They will leave your skin feeling soft and moisturized. 

(One winner will be chosen) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our winner: Laura M.!



Busy Homeschool Mom Bundle ($23.95 value)

Whether you’re struggling with managing your day, or simply looking for encouragement and fresh ideas for tackling your list of things to do, you will enjoy hearing from the heart of busy homeschool mom of seven, wife and author, Heidi St. John.  You’ll laugh out loud, learn some of Heidi’s favorite tips on everything from home organization to meal preparation, and discover how you can homeschool in freedom and joy.

If you have ever felt caught between the demands of homeschooling your children and meeting the needs of your husband, you’re not alone. Read and discover how even a busy homeschool mom can make time to nurture her marriage. It’s not as hard as you think—and more important than you may realize.

(One winner will be chosen) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our winner: Jalynn Patterson!


From: Carla Ives,

A 500-word article or blog post written to your specification by an experienced ghostwriter. The writing can be for personal or business purposes.  ($25 value)

(One winner will be chosen) Click here to enter contest!

(Sorry.  The Birthday Bash is over and this link has expired.)

Congratulations to our winner: LeighAnna!


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