Big Whopper Liar Day

Today is Big Whopper Liar Day.  Do they really need a day in which to celebrate lies?  Is deception something we should aspire to?  I don’t think so. One of my pet peeves is glorifying destructive ideas and terms.

This is one of the reasons I am so against practical jokes.  I know some say it’s all in good fun, but I’ve seen too many practical jokes gone bad with some gruesome or devastating consequences.

Why does society glorify deception?  Sometimes people respect the skill required to pull off a practical joke.  Other times it’s the ability to get out of a sticky situation.

In some cases, they are called little white lies.  In others, they are called fibs.  Most lies are not meant to harm, though they are still meant to deceive and, as such, deception often has a way of causing harm whether or not it is intentional.

Though our parents have taught us that honesty is the best policy, society continues to glorify lying and honor those who master the art of deception…often not enforcing any consequences for their actions. Many sit coms today depict the main characters getting out of a tough situation by artfully lying.  Many shows have kids lying to parents so they don’t get into trouble or even parents lying to their kids in order to keep them in line.

It’s curious to me that today’s society places such value on the skill of deception and grants such grace to the deceiver while, at the same time, almost seeking out any opportunity to take offense when clearly none was meant.

In contrast, tomorrow is National Respect Day.  That’s something I can endorse wholeheartedly!  So I say, why not skip Big Whopper Liar Day and go straight to National Respect Day.  Do not sneak past go and do not deceptively collect $200.

What say you?


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  1. I agree that society glorifies deception. A lot of it isn’t meant to harm, as you’ve said. I don’t think many folks understand the total concept of truth anymore, they’ve been so conditioned to this. As you so wisely pointed out, it’s out there all the time.

    And while I’m not planning on celebrating this day, don’t expect much to get done in DC today. I’m sure there will be a huge party under the Capitol dome.

  2. Art of Eloquence says:

    That is where the most masterful of deceivers reside.

  3. I agree with you. Deception and white lies are far to common and not frowned upon. We all have uninformed consciences or do not follow our consciences.

  4. I agree with you. Society has been deceived to believe that deception is okay when it’s ‘justifiable.’ hmm, yet in God’s way it’s the truth that makes you free.

  5. Art of Eloquence says:

    So true, Debbie. We have to follow what we know to be right. Good point Joan. The truth shall set you free.

  6. Agreed! It seems that values and responsoiblities are not part of our culture anymore. Sad!! One the Ten Commandants is “Thou shalt not lie”.

  7. Art of Eloquence says:

    So true, Janet. So true!

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