Tomorrow’s my birthday…

Tomorrow is my 49th birthday and next year I’ll celebrate 50 years…half a century on this planet.  Hard to believe it’s been that long.  Seems like just yesterday I was 12.  Time goes by faster when you’re old.  lol  When I was 12, it seemed like it took 12 years before it was my birthday again.  Now that I’m 49, it seems more like 12 minutes.

Things change as we age; our perceptions are only one of those things.  Times have changed.  Communication has changed.  The technology with which we communicate has changed.  I shared my thoughts on how communication has changed in the last 50 years yesterday on TalkShoe.   I shared how we communicate differently when we get older too.  Here is the link to the audio if you missed the live seminar.

As many of you know, I’ve written a JoJoism or two about aging.  Here are just a few:

JoJoism#17 Age is just a number. So after 50, I’m going to begin counting backwards. I wonder how long it’ll take me to pass my kids on the way down?

JoJoism#33 Don’t think of them as grey hairs; think of them as nature’s highlights!

JoJoism#60: ” I’m a year older today. Then, again, I am somewhat older than I was before I said so.”

JoJoism#137 “The secret to long life is…don’t die so young.”

JoJoism#150 “We are born with a finite amount of energy. Unfortunately, by the time we figure this out, we’re in our 40’s and forced to conserve.”

JoJoism#152 “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and…that’s why I don’t exercise anymore.”

JoJoisms: Revealing Life’s Truths…as I think of ’em!


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  1. You’re almost to your best decade, sweet pea! I found my 50s to be a good experience for me. Unfortunately, when you’re into yours, I’ll be out of mine. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love all your JoJoisms, but as to the age one, I like the “nature’s highlights” one. {{{giggles}}}

  2. Thanks, Carla!

  3. Bobbi Maguire says:

    I believe you are as old as you feel, in the mind not the body. Have a happy birthday! You deserve it! Now, I’m off to get my “nature’s highlights” highlighted.

  4. Happy 49th! I did the BIG 50 this last March – so I can tell you first hand – it isn’t fatal. At least not yet. I believe life is just beginning again for me – and I know you will find that too!