It’s time again for Friday Funnies and this week I’m sharing a fun video where Costello debates the issue and proves that 13×7=28.
Winning a debate doesn’t always mean you are on the right side of an issue. It can just mean you’ve got good writers and…communication skills!
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This is one of the great ones! I haven’t seen it in awhile, but I love it. I think my school math skills were something like Lou’s. ROFLOL I love the line, “Did you go to school, stupid?” “Yeah, and I came out the same way!” BTW, did you notice who the 3rd man is? That’s Shemp Howard from the 3 Stooges (elder brother of Moe). Small comedy world, eh?
They’re fun!! No I didn’t notice that. I’ll have to watch that again! A tough job, I know, but I gotta do it! LOL
Oh my – I’ve seen that – but many years ago! Too Funny!!
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