Art of Eloquence Blog — avoiding conflicts RSS

Agree to Disagree

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post! x Today is the last day of Grace Month.  All this month I've been sharing from my article, "10 Quick Ways to Disagree in Grace.  Number ten is used when all else fails.  If you can't agree, you must grace! 10. Agree to Disagree Tis better to agree to disagree and live to discuss another day than to fight for your right to be a pest!  Sometimes people are not ready to hear or accept what you have to say.  Sometimes you are only one in a long line of people the Lord will use to share Jesus with this person.  Share and discuss in love and...

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April is Grace Month

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals' RSS Feed?  Don't miss a post! x All this month I'll be talking about the role of grace and godly communication in our daily lives from our marriages, kids, neighbors, family, friends and co-workers to how we handle the phone and social media.  I'll be sharing tips from my article, "Ten Quick Rules for Disagreeing in Grace" and expanding on it to include more insights.  I'll even share some from my upcoming new study, Say What You Mean: Avoiding, Reducing and Resolving Conflicts. After checking out my article, for a little fun you can visit FIMM (Foot in Mouth Man) for some of his misadventures in miscommunication.  There will be a new episode this...

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