Art of Eloquence Blog — 2010 RSS

What's the most important New Year's Resolution?

It's that time of year again when people make New Year's Resolutions and don't keep them. "Lose 20 pounds by July." ....."Start a new business and become independently wealthy." ......................................"Organize my closet alphabetically and color code." ........................................................................................................."Quit smoking, again." I'm poking a little fun here, but these are all admirable goals.  The problem isn't that they cannot be accomplished, but that we aren't always serious when we make them.  And sometimes we aren't always making New Year's Resolutions about the things which are the most important to our lives. First, most of us want things, but we are not always that willing to do what it takes in order to accomplish them.  We want to lose weight as long as...

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It's December. Now how did THAT happen? lol

Ok so it's December 1st, 2009.  Wasn't it just January?  Come to think of it...wasn't it just 1995...about two years ago?  The older I get, the faster time goes by.  As my father always says, "Tempus certainly does fugit!"  They say time flies when you're having fun, but I don't remember having THAT much fun! So how does this happen?  How do you go from being a young girl without a care in the world one moment to a 47 year old mother of a college girl and a homeschooled 10 y/o son the next?  As Lucy used to say, "Whahappen?" So Christmas must be around 2 oclock today and 2010 is probably being held on Friday!  Are you ready?...

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From my heart...changes for 2010

This month marks our 7th birthday!  Art of Eloquence has now been in business for over 7 years.  I'm one of those "if one is good, 10 thousand MUST be better" kind of gals!  I love helping folks and I love to give.  Each year I began by asking myself how much more I could give my customers, blog readers, newsletter subscribers, etc.  Unfortunately, in order to support my habit, I'm afraid I had backed myself into a busy corner. Earlier this year, my dh asked me to slow down the ministry portion of Art of Eloquence.  It was hard for me, but I went from sending out three newsletters a week to just one and writing a weekly Foot...

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