An Inglish Stori

English is a crazy language that wound up with wounds of wisdom.  Does it sound right to you that our houses don’t have mouses?  Why can we oversee what we cannot overlook?  It seems something is not “in wack”, but fat chance trying to work it out-or would that be a slim one? If we slow down for just a minute, we will clearly see that we cannot slow up-or keep up with the strange rules which cause a wise man not to be a wise guy.  It also doesn’t follow that we talk about gooses which are really geese, but never about mooses which are definitely not meese. If I had my way, everything would be spelled “foneticly” and punctuating a crazy man would just be Crazy, Man! I also think we have far “tu” many “leters” in the “alfabet!”  Additionally I teach my kids that, if you were to "member" correctly in the first place, you’d never have to remember in the second place. To make a long story "much more" longer, I think I’d like to redo the entire "Inglish" language so it made a great deal more “cents.”  Don’t “yu” “agre?" A little language levity from the folks at Art of!


  • jojosblog

    Oh good, ’cuz I was afraid I was alone in this! LOL

  • Candy


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